During 1st flyby of #Mercury, BepiColombo’s instrument #MPPE provided data to explain planet’s X-ray #auroras. Results by team including #mpsgoettingen published in Nature Communications: https://tinyurl.com/2vjj4s8v. Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/5fktnbjn
#mercury #mppe #auroras #mpsgoettingen
As one of the leading institutes in the field of #solarphysics and #planetary research, the @mpsgoettingen in #Goettingen is involved in numerous international #space missions.
The Solar System School @imprs_solar offers a research-oriented doctoral programme in #SolarSystem system science.
Apply now to start a PhD with us in 2024: https://www.mps.mpg.de/phd/applynow
#Astrodon #geosciences #IMPRS #MPSGoettingen #UniGoettingen #TUBraunschweig @tubraunschweig
#solarphysics #planetary #goettingen #space #solarsystem #astrodon #geosciences #imprs #mpsgoettingen #unigoettingen #tubraunschweig
The #MPSGoettingen invites applications for SO/PHI Postdoctoral Positions on #ESA #SolarOrbiter SO/PHI data reduction and exploitation
#mpsgoettingen #esa #SolarOrbiter #job #SolarPhysics #Astrodon #MaxPlanck
Für die Verstärkung innerhalb unseres Teams der Institutsverwaltung sucht das #MPSGoettingen eine*n Personalsachbearbeiter*in (w/m/d)
#mpsgoettingen #job #goettingen #MaxPlanck
Expressions of relief and joy all over MPS auditorium #juice #esajuice #MPSGoettingen
#juice #esajuice #mpsgoettingen
The #MPSGoettingen crew on site is back at the observation site for today's new #JUICE launch attempt and sends us these pictures
The @ERC_Research Advanced Grants competition results are out. Over €544 million in funding for leading researchers. One of the ERC Advanced Grants has been awarded to Sami Solanki from #MPSGoettingen. Together with his team, he intends to use observations from ESA #SolarOrbiter and #DKIST to answer longstanding questions about the #Sun
#mpsgoettingen #SolarOrbiter #dkist #sun
Care for an ice-cold Europa's ocean? This is just one of the treats awaiting you at the @esa_juice launch event today at #MPSGoettingen. The celebration starts at 2 pm. Read more here: http://mps.mpg.de/raketenstart-zum-jupiter #ESAJuice #WeAreGoingToJupiter
#mpsgoettingen #esajuice #wearegoingtojupiter
Bewerbt euch bis zum 31. März auf unsere Ausbildungsplätze
- Ausbildung Büromanagement
- Ausbildung Fachinformatik
- Ausbildung Feinmechanik
- Ausbildung Metallbau
Außerdem suchen wir aktuell
- Mitarbeiter*in Personalverwaltung
- Projektassistent*in
Alle Stellenangebote (weitere auf den englischen Seiten):
#Astrodon #jobs #mpsgoettingen
We currently have openings in various roles with application deadlines of 31 March:
- Electronics / System Engineer
- Postdoctoral Positions on SO/PHI data exploitation
- Product and Quality Assurance Engineer
- Project Manager
- Software Engineer
#Astrodon #jobs #mpsgoettingen
#MPSGoettingen is currently offering several opportunities to contribute to ESA’s mission #EnVision to #Venus. We are looking for electronics/system #engineer, product and quality assurance engineer, project manager, and software engineer. Apply until the end of the month! More here: https://www.mps.mpg.de/career/jobs @envisionvenus
#mpsgoettingen #envision #venus #engineer
While ESA's spacecraft #JUICE is counting the days before shipment to #GuianaSpaceCenter for launch in April, scientists and engineers at #MPSGoettingen are preparing for the in-space commissioning of instruments #JUICE_SWI and #JUICE_PEPJEI. Read more here: https://tinyurl.com/ms3xhebs
#juice #guianaspacecenter #mpsgoettingen #juice_swi #juice_pepjei