Like other sci-fi space opera novels, M.R. Carey's "Infinity Gate" takes place on many worlds. But as he explains in this exclusive interview, those many worlds are all Earth.
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#MRCarey #MRCareyInterview #MRCareyInfinityGate #MRCareyInfinityGateInterview #MRCareyThePandominion #MRCareyEchoOfWorlds #Books #Reading #AuthorInterview #AuthorInterviews #SciFi #SciFiBooks #ScienceFiction #SpaceOpera #multiverse
#mrcarey #mrcareyinterview #mrcareyinfinitygate #mrcareyinfinitygateinterview #mrcareythepandominion #mrcareyechoofworlds #books #reading #AuthorInterview #authorinterviews #scifi #SciFiBooks #sciencefiction #spaceopera #Multiverse
#WhatWereReading : Joe has been enjoying Mike (Girl With all the Gifts, Koli, Lucifer) Carey's first foray into full-on, multiversal #ScienceFiction with the gripping Infinity Gate, just out from Orbit Books
#books #NewBooks #ChooseBookshops #InfinityGate #MRCarey #MikeCarey #OrbitBooks #ScienceFiction '#multiverse #novel #livres #bookstodon
#whatwerereading #sciencefiction #books #newbooks #choosebookshops #infinitygate #mrcarey #mikecarey #orbitbooks #multiverse #novel #livres #bookstodon
#LunchtimeReading : Michael Carey's forthcoming Infinity Gate, which will be released by the @orbitbooks gang at the end of March. Always look forward to Mike's books! First time going full space opera for him.
#books #ScienceFiction #AmReading #InfinityGate #MRCarey #MikeCarey #livres #SpaceOpera #multiverse
#multiverse #spaceopera #livres #MikeCarey #mrcarey #infinitygate #amreading #sciencefiction #books #lunchtimereading
Been catching up on Black Shuck's Great British horror series. This one has the gimmick that stories must reference the "dark and stormy night" thing in their opening lines. Overall its a bit of a flop but there are decent stories from #MRCarey and #RenWarom and one fabulous one, 'Slipper', a botanically-infused belter from #CatrionaWard.
#mrcarey #renwarom #catrionaward #bookstodon #horror #review
I read almost every genre, but mostly horror, sci-fi and whatever sword- & dragon-free fantasy is called😅
Some fav authors:
#NeilGaiman, #PaulTremblay, #NKJemisin, #MRCarey, #StephenGrahamJones, #TerryPratchett.
#neilgaiman #paultremblay #nkjemisin #mrcarey #StephenGrahamJones #terrypratchett
Right! #books and #authors I've really enjoyed recently, in no particular order:
The Book Thief #MarkusZusak
Project Hail Mary #AndyWeir
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived #AdamRutherford
The Heart's Invisible Furies #JohnBoyne
Norse Mythology & Neverwhere #NeilGaiman
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires #GradyHendrix
Fairy Tale #StephenKing
The Girl With All The Gifts #MRCarey
1Q84 #HarukiMurakami
His Dark Materials #PhilipPullman
The Midnight Library #MattHaig
#books #authors #MarkusZusak #andyweir #AdamRutherford #johnboyne #NeilGaiman #gradyhendrix #stephenking #mrcarey #harukimurakami #PhilipPullman #MattHaig #bookish
Right! #books and #authors I've really enjoyed recently, in no particular order:
The Book Thief #MarkusZusak
Project Hail Mary #AndyWeir
A Brief History of Everyone Who Ever Lived #AdamRutherford
The Heart's Invisible Furies #JohnBoyne
Norse Mythology & Neverwhere #NeilGaiman
The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires #GradyHendrix
Fairy Tale #StephenKing
The Girl With All The Gifts #MRCarey
1Q84 #HarukiMurakami
His Dark Materials #PhilipPullman
The Midnight Library #MattHaig
#books #authors #MarkusZusak #andyweir #AdamRutherford #johnboyne #NeilGaiman #gradyhendrix #stephenking #mrcarey #harukimurakami #PhilipPullman #MattHaig
@bigbeardedbookseller what a struggle to pick only a few.
Here’s 10 and so many others should be on my list.
I recommend:
#robinhobb #davidheskawanbliweiden #nkjemsin #christinahenry #beckychambers #fondalee #piercebrown #rebeccaroanhorse #rfkuang #mrcarey
@djwfyi yes!
I recommend:
#christinahenry #beckychambers #fondalee #piercebrown #rebeccaroanhorse #rfkuang #mrcarey