...And this isn't one of those monkey's paws type wish granting. I mean a person gets exactly what they asked for with no tricks or unexpected turns.
Yes, going to the grave with empty pockets might be a good idea.
This was a pretty good revenge film. There was a part of the concept that makes me think of "Deathnote."
Time to get back to "Control-Z"
Now this is getting good and creepy!
But seriously, this is disturbing.
Oh gosh, what happened with the arse hole! I shall not miss him.
Weird explanation for how he was getting text messages from a "ghost."
"It's a software glitch."
This music is playing like the movie is over. But there is another 28 minutes on the scrubber.
Just found out about Hart's engagement.
Now I understand how someone is punished by getting their wish.
This man already has concerns about the machines profile him and the potential to be manipulated by false information. He is way ahead of this time! He is frightened by the potential for bad stuff.
The bully disturbs me.
The old man is emersed in his phone. This isn't good.
Damn, I see what the surprise was! 43m into the movie.
I hope he doesn't need dude's phone!
The boy just gifted him with an iPhone. The elderly man is enamored with being able to see stocks and news in near real time.
The man is instantly using his new found connection to this information. Phone training is now part of these reading sessions.
"I am not answering my phone now. I will call you back if it seams appropriate."
"Ads are the lifeline of newspapers. How will they survive."
iPhone just came out in this movie. That places it in 2007 I think. Smart speakers were not as ubiquitous then.
Someone has a Motorola Razor.
The boy has faithfully come to read for five years with only one instance of absence. He has come three days a week.
Wondering if they are going to surprise us with the elderly man having some fatal condition, or having him suddenly leave.
I'm watching Mr. Harrigan's Phone (2022) https://trakt.tv/movies/mr-harrigan-s-phone-2022 #MrHarrigansPhone #trakt
I think the boy's father is suffering from depression for the loss of a loved one. They haven't given that diagnosis, but I think that is how he might likely be evaluated.
The boy has some survival's remorse. They could both benefit from some mental health assistance.
I don't think someone has to be "mentally ill" to benefit from such help. Would be good if more people agreed with that.
Mr Harrigan is a rich man with failing eye sight. He wants to pay this boy $5/hour to read books to him. I don't get why Mr Harrigan didn't invest in a smart speaker and an Audio Book subscription.
He's got a huge house and it looks that he has some servants.
I think he selected this boy based on his reading of a bible verse in a church.
Though the boy is no orator.
Starting with Mr. Harrigan's phone. It opens up with some ominous sounding music. Appears to be a modern time, but it's a small town. For some reason ominous occurrences prefer lower populations and the out-of-focus regions of cameras.
Durchschnittliche King-Verfilmung, die aber schon bisschen aus den bisherigen Ergüssen der Kurzgeschichten-Verfilmungen herausragt. Find ich.
#MrHarrigansPhone: As a supernatural morality play, it's pretty good. As a screed against those darn kids and their smartphones, not so much.
Full review at Mahan's Media: https://betwixtstarproductions.blogspot.com/2022/12/mr-harrigans-phone-2022-movie-review.html #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #teen #horror #drama #jaedenmartell #donaldsutherland #stephenking #johnleehancock #RedRibbonReviewers
#mrharrigansphone #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #teen #horror #drama #jaedenmartell #donaldsutherland #stephenking #johnleehancock #redribbonreviewers
@putmeinagrave Need to catch up on #Barbarian and #Scream. But from what I've seen #Prey if you count it as #Horror. Also enjoyed #MyBestFriendsExorcism #MrHarrigansPhone #Fresh #NoExit and #TexasChainsawMassacre
#barbarian #scream #prey #horror #mybestfriendsexorcism #mrharrigansphone #fresh #noexit #texaschainsawmassacre
Watched Mr Harrigan's Phone yesterday. Promising theme and well done movie, but the open ending is sthg that I can't deal with properly. It feels like going through everything just for nothing. Donald Sutherland is a treat though, as always. #mrharrigansphone
#MrHarrigansPhone è finito così, che ti lascia a bocca asciutta... ma forse era l'unico modo di dare una fine ad una storia tanto ben fatta che rischiava di finire in una scureggia. Momenti di riflessione o forse solo cliché moderni... o forse solo tratto da un romanzo di Stephen King #recensionibrutte
#mrharrigansphone #recensionibrutte
Tratto da un racconto di Stephen King.
Buon film/spot (il vero protagonista è il telefono della mela…), che si lascia guardare, ma dove manca il guizzo, il colpo di scena.
📝Voto: 6-
"Mr. Harrigan's Phone" di John Lee Hancock, 104minuti, 2022. VM14
#cinemastodon #1Dicembre #film #cinema #mrharrigansphone
When the gods wish to punish us, they answer our prayers. Oscar Wilde wrote that. We didn't read that book. Maybe we should have. -Mr. Harrigan’s Phone
#StephenKing #MrHarrigansPhone
#mrharrigansphone #stephenking
@YayForThat @grryboy @LukeySixx
I am adding:
#TheBabysitterKillerQueen (2020)
#TheEmptyMan (2020)
#TheInvisibleMan (2020)
#RunSweetheartRun (2020)
#Underwater (2020)
#Nocturne (2020)
#NobodySleepsInTheWoodsTonight (2020)
#FollowMe (2020)
#TheSadness (2021)
#TheresSomeoneInsideYourHouse (2021)
#ThingsHeardAndSeen (2021)
#FearStreet (2021)
#Madres (2021)
#Fresh (2022)
#MrHarrigansPhone (2022)
#TexasChainsawMassacre (2022)
#thebabysitterkillerqueen #theemptyman #theinvisibleman #runsweetheartrun #underwater #nocturne #nobodysleepsinthewoodstonight #followme #thesadness #theressomeoneinsideyourhouse #thingsheardandseen #fearstreet #madres #fresh #mrharrigansphone #texaschainsawmassacre #horror #horrorfam #horrorcommunity