#Magneticmaterials are substances that, when magnetized, attract other magnetic substances or objects. They frequently contain #iron, #nickel, cobalt, and/or rare-earth elements. These materials are widely used in a variety of everyday applications, including computer hard drives, #MRImachines, and speakers. Electric motors, generators, and accelerators are also examples of industrial and scientific applications.
#mrimachines #nickel #iron #magneticmaterials
Critical, Unpatched Bug Opens GE Radiological Devices to Remote Code Execution - A CISA alert is flagging a critical default credentials issue that affects 100+ types of devices f... https://threatpost.com/critical-unpatched-bug-ge-radiological-devices/162012/ #criticalinfrastructure #securityvulnerability #radiologicaldevices #remotecodeexecution #defaultcredentials #vulnerabilities #devicesecurity #medicaldevices #medicalimaging #gehealthcare #mrimachines #healthcare #cisaalert #privacy
#privacy #cisaalert #healthcare #mrimachines #gehealthcare #medicalimaging #medicaldevices #devicesecurity #vulnerabilities #defaultcredentials #remotecodeexecution #radiologicaldevices #securityvulnerability #criticalinfrastructure