If you want to know why I love Tom Cox's writing so much, this is an excellent example of what he does. In a single piece, we get writing about place, about the act of writing, about people and folklore, all opening up windows on and avenues through a bigger, more expansive world of possibilities. It's delicious.
#writing #WritersOnWriting #folklore #TomCox #substack #architecture #landscape #place #MRJames #VioletteSzabo #history
#writing #writersonwriting #folklore #tomcox #substack #architecture #landscape #place #mrjames #violetteszabo #history
The seasons are starting to turn, heralded by the first autumnal chill upon the breeze, and soon it shall be time to hurdle up indoors and listen to ghost stories.
15 minutes in fact, when Sam goes live over at https://www.twitch.tv/chilliteracy with some #MRJames and #ArthurConanDoyle.
#Cozy times guaranteed
#mrjames #arthurconandoyle #cozy #audiobook #readingaloud #cosy #bedtimestory
Am 20. November kommt Vol. 2 der Ghost Stories for Christmas Blu-Ray Veröffentlichung. Ich freue mich wahnsinnig drauf.
Vorher, am 25. September kommt auch die 50th Anniversary Edition von The Wicker Man in 4k.
Ich habe mir jetzt die vier M.R. James Verfilmungen von Mark Gatiss bestellt. Ich mag die „A Ghost Story for Christmas“ von Lawrence Gordon aus dem 70ern sehr gerne. Mal sehen, ich habe bisher sehr unterschiedliches darüber gehört. Ich bin nicht unbedingt ein großer Freund von Gatiss und seinem Werk, aber manchmal schafft er es doch noch mich zu überraschen.
#horror #mrjames #dvd #markgatiss #horrorfilm #ghoststories #ghoststoriesforchristmas
#horror #mrjames #dvd #markgatiss #horrorfilm #ghoststories #ghoststoriesforchristmas
Oh wow, I didn't know there was a 2022 adaptation of M.R. James' "Count Magnus" for BBC Ghost Stories For Christmas. Too bad it's not very good: https://youtu.be/HX3wqz64nz0
#mrjames #ghoststoriesforchristmas #bbc
Live and free online tonight - a performance of The Ghost Stories of MR James - here
FROM THE GREAT LIBRARY OF DREAMS 084 - Mr Humphreys and his Inheritance by MR James
Just in time for midsummer, we have a tale of sunlit horror set in an English country garden by the great MR James. One can easily get lost in a hedge maze, however you can also find things too...
#ghoststories #podcast #mrjames
HYPNOGORIA 245 - The Curious Case of Mr Humphreys and his Inheritance
In this episode we take a look at one of the more obscure television adaptations of MR James, a version of his tale Mr Humphreys and His Inheritance which aired on Midsummer's Day - 21st June - 1976
#ghoststories #1970s #mrjames #podcast
The new Ghosts & Scholars is here!
#ghostsandscholars #horror #weirdfiction #mrjames
#MovieNight was pretty fun… 1957 #NightOfTheDemon aka #CurseOfTheDemon - some good scares, neat effects and a great cat-wrestling scene… 😐 beware dudes with crazy beards slipping notes into yer stuff. #cinema #MRJames #CastingTheRunes
#movienight #nightofthedemon #curseofthedemon #cinema #mrjames #castingtherunes
#MovieNight was pretty fun… 1957 #NightOfTheDemon aka #CurseOfTheDemon - some good scares, neat effects and a great cat-wrestling scene… 😐 beware dudes with crazy beards slipping notes into yer stuff. #cinema #MRJames #CastingTheRunes
#movienight #nightofthedemon #curseofthedemon #cinema #mrjames #castingtherunes
Nochmal lesen und einstimmen. #AWarningToTheCurious von #MRJames
#awarningtothecurious #mrjames
Working my way through the old #GhostStories for Christmas series at the moment. Until today each #film had been a classic creepy tale from #MRJames - but today we switched to Dickens. "The Signalman" is the only one I had vivid memories of from childhood, and it's a classy bit of storytelling. The acting is superb, and the imagery haunting as... well, hell.
[1968] Whistle and I'll Come to You - Jonathan Miller adaptation of the M. R. James ghost story. An introverted academic happens upon a whistle while exploring a Knights Templar cemetery on the East Anglian coast. When blown, the whistle unleashes a supernatural force that terrorises its discoverer. Starring Michael Hordern.
#OldBritishTelly #mrjames #JonathanMiller #michaelhordern
[1973] Lost Hearts - A young orphan, Stephen, is sent to go and live with his strange, much older cousin at his remote country house. Once there, Stephen experiences terrible dreams in which he sees a young girl and boy who are missing their hearts. Written by M. R. James.
RT @DrJMainPidd
Hi guys: I need your help:I haven’t yet seen a penny for my book “Casting the Runes:The Letters of #MRJames” & I had to raise money to do that:I need to start my research on his notebooks your donation will help with (hotel/food/train fare to Cambridge) ⬇️ https://gofund.me/a4b18de1
Arrived today, this lovely book I backed - will be fascinating to read some never seen before writings of #MRJames
Another precious thing to add to the shelves waiting to be read, and their secrets uncovered… #MRJames #GhostStories #Books
So hashtag time! Here are a few of my favourite horror/dark fantasy/weird writers. Let's start with the old guard, i.e. pre-WW2. Most of these are dab hands at pagan or antiquarian horror, which are my favourite types usually:
#Sarban (My A-number-one, all-time favourite weird fiction writer)
#sarban #oliveronions #algernonblackwood #arthurmachen #walterdelamare #williamsansom #mrjames #johnbuchan #edithwharton #efbenson #lphartley #hrussellwakefield #edithnesbit #jslefanu #elizabethbowen