Kotaku: An Ode To Pokémon’s Ash Ketchum https://kotaku.com/pokemon-anime-ash-ketchum-pikachu-final-episode-netflix-1850805389?utm_source=regular #gaming #tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #sarahnatochenny #pokemoncompany #kezamacdonald #pokemonanime #tylergorman #tomspeelman #joshvasquez #ashketchum #samgreszes #squirtle #sisyphus #lukeherr #pokemon #pikachu #netflix #arceus #mrmime #kotaku #yugioh #yugi #gary #yugi #leon #roy
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #roleplayingvideogames #sarahnatochenny #pokemoncompany #kezamacdonald #pokemonanime #tylergorman #tomspeelman #joshvasquez #ashketchum #samgreszes #squirtle #sisyphus #lukeherr #pokemon #pikachu #netflix #arceus #mrmime #yugioh #yugi #gary #leon #roy
122 Mr. Mime, 439 Mime Jr.
#characterdesign #creepy #digitalart #fanart #jr #mime #mrmime #pokemon #spider #psychictype #wodemon #monster #creaturedesign #digital art #pocketmonster #art #creature #vinegaroon #arthropods #clown
#clown #arthropods #vinegaroon #creature #art #pocketmonster #digital #creaturedesign #monster #wodemon #psychictype #spider #pokemon #mrmime #mime #jr #FanArt #DigitalArt #creepy #CharacterDesign
Mr. Mime and it's shiny are next.
#gottasketchemall #pokemon #pokemonmrmime #jesstasticcart #mrmime
#mrmime #jesstasticcart #pokemonmrmime #pokemon #gottasketchemall
okay this is the last one (mr cool)
#tentacool #mrMime #pokemon #pokemonFusion #art #mastoArt #pink
#pink #mastoart #art #pokemonfusion #pokemon #mrmime #tentacool
ah yea #interests !
#reptiles #dnd #pokemon #bindingofisaac #bugs #etymology #history uhh... i'm sure i have other interests... but that's all i can think of lol
have some #fanart to keep this #art-related lol
#deerling #spoink #mrmime #popplio #shopkeep #boir
#interests #reptiles #dnd #pokemon #bindingofisaac #bugs #etymology #history #FanArt #art #deerling #spoink #mrmime #popplio #shopkeep #boir