Curiosity rover staat voor zijn zwaarste klim tot nu toe op Mars
Op 5 augustus zal de Curiosity zijn 11de jaar op Mars noteren door te doen waar de rover het beste in is: het oppervlak van de Rode Planeet bestuderen. De onverschrokken robot onderzocht onlangs een locatie met de bijnaam “Jau” die pokdalig is met tientallen ins
#curiosity #Jau #mars #MarsReconnaissanceOrbiter #MountSharp #MRO #nasa
#nasa #mro #mountsharp #marsreconnaissanceorbiter #mars #jau #curiosity
GMR Hyderabad Aviation SEZ Ltd signs lease agreement with Safran Aircraft Engines for MRO #GMRHyderabadAviationSEZ #SafranAircraftEngines #MRO #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #mro #safranaircraftengines #gmrhyderabadaviationsez
#Aerotelegraph - Minus 80 Prozent: Aeroflot hat Ausgaben für Wartung massiv gekürzt - #ukraine-krieg #Flugzeuge #flugzeuge #aeroflot #russland #mro
#Aerotelegraph #ukraine #flugzeuge #aeroflot #russland #mro
EDR On-Line was invited to visit @embraer 's subsidiary OGMA’s #MRO and production facility at Alverca in Portugal, where on 25 May, Embraer’s President and CEO, Francisco Gomes Neto gave an update on his companies activities. By D. Oliver
Original tweet :
How cool is this? The Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter found polka-dot sand dunes on Mars. What's next? A plaid volcano? :P
#astronomy #space #nasa #mro #sanddunes #mars #writerfuel
Mars global mosaic at 5.0 m/px! My friend Jay has been working on this for years (and the CTX/MRO operations team has been collecting the data for even longer)! Really delighted to poke around in this incredible dataset, open to everyone: #Mars #imaging #planetary #MRO
#mars #imaging #planetary #mro #ctx
New Interactive Mosaic Uses NASA Imagery To Show Mars In Vivid Detail
-- <-- The Global CTX Mosaic of Mars online interactive map
-- <-- JPL press release
[since I am on a spatial Mars ‘kick’…]
#GIS #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #RedPlanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #ReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO #ContextCamera #CTX #HiRISE #MARCI #GlobalSurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #map #water #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation
#CalTech #JPL #NASA
#gis #spatial #mapping #Mars #remotesensing #water #science #highresolution #redplanet #spaceprobe #survey #map #topography #modeling #compsite #elevation #opendata #openaccess #reconnaissanceorbiter #mro #contextcamera #ctx #hirise #marci #globalsurveyor #global #image #interactive #online #fluvial #hydrology #geologic #tectonics #vulcanism #geomorphology #visualization #visualisation #caltech #JPL #NASA
Remains of a Modern Glacier Implies Water Ice Possibly Present at Low Latitudes on Mars
Search over 1,500 astronomy and space news releases at
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #NASA #MRO #Mars
Image: NASA MRO HiRISE and CRISM false color composite. Lee et al. 2023
#astronomy #space #science #news #stargazing #nasa #mro #mars
Takeaway: There's a giant teddy bear face on Mars. :)
A broken hill, an ancient crater and the human tendency to find faces everywhere may explain the teddy bear on Mars.
#Mars #NASA #Space #TeddyBear #Photo #MarsReconnaissanceOrbiter #MRO
#mro #marsreconnaissanceorbiter #photo #teddybear #space #nasa #mars
#Aerotelegraph - Probleme mit Lieferketten: Ersatzteilmangel setzt Airlines zu - #lufthansatechnik #Air_France_KLM #ersatzteile #Airlines #condor #swiss #A350 #mro
#Aerotelegraph #lufthansatechnik #air_france_klm #ersatzteile #airlines #condor #swiss #a350 #mro
Een teddybeer op Mars?
Een afgekalfde heuvel, een oude krater en de menselijke neiging om overal gezichten te vinden, kunnen de teddybeer op Mars verklaren.
#HiRISE #mro #nasa #pareidolia #teddybeer #mars
#Aerotelegraph - Wartungshangar eröffnet: Easyjet baut in Berlin aus – und fliegt trotzdem weniger - #Flughäfen #easyjet #Wartung #Berlin #ber #mro
#Aerotelegraph #flughafen #easyjet #wartung #berlin #ber #mro
When the #MarsReconnaissanceOrbiter first reached #Mars in 2006, it used a traditional engine burn for initial orbit capture. The first orbital loop was extremely eccentric (planned 150:1 ellipse). So for 6 months after, #MRO used aerobraking to reach the desired #orbit. By using this method, the team was able to reduce the #launch payload by 450kg (992 pounds).
#astrodon #spaceexploration #SolarSytem #satellite #orbiter #dsn
Source: #NASA Factsheet: Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, 2006
#marsreconnaissanceorbiter #mars #mro #orbit #launch #Astrodon #spaceexploration #solarsytem #satellite #orbiter #dsn #nasa
3D Radargram Brings New Focus To Mars' North Polar Cap
-- <-- article
-- <-- paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #Mars #remotesensing #satellite #SHARAD #geology #radar #MRO #radargrams #structuralgeology #sediment #geometry #water #research #science #interior
#gis #spatial #mapping #model #modeling #Mars #remotesensing #satellite #sharad #geology #radar #mro #radargrams #structuralgeology #sediment #geometry #water #research #science #interior
#Astronomie #Photo #Sonde #MRO #paréidolie
Le pôle sud de Mars au printemps (2018).
Explication des structures
#astronomie #photo #sonde #mro #pareidolie
#Astronomie #Photo #Sonde #MRO #paréidolie
Le pôle sud de Mars au printemps (2018).
Explication des structures
#astronomie #photo #sonde #mro #pareidolie
Spacecraft in #Mars orbit:
Spacecraft on the surface of #Mars:
#Ingenuity (sometimes flying as a helicopter)
#mars #odyssey #marsexpress #mro #maven #exomars #alamal #Tianwen #curiosity #insight #perseverance #ingenuity #Zhurong
More on #Ciliates 🚨
"Group-specific functional patterns of mitochondrion-related organelles shed light on their multiple transitions from mitochondria in ciliated protists"
#ciliates #protists #MicrobialEukaryotes #mro