This not even considered "news" anymore. Why should we even be surprised by things like these, #MrOrangeTrump is the epitome of corruption and moral decadence. If Trump donated a million dollars ... no, wait ... a hundred dollars to the children-refugee welfare fund then that's REAL NEWS!!!
#mrorangetrump #trumpisaliar #trumpisacheat #trumpiscorrupt #lockhimup
#MrOrangeTrump is the embodiment of everything horrendously immoral, utterly corrupt and dishonest. His narcissism has plunged him to the deepest darkest place of the abyss of criminality!
#mrorangetrump #trumpisacriminal #trumpisanarcissist #trumpisatraitor #trumpbelongsinjail
@77chrisc @Gustodon
It's comforting to know #MrOrangeTrump gets the royal salute everywhere he goes. He deserves nothing less!
#proudboysareterrorists #mrorangetrump
No, that's fake news. He's just flat out stupid, that's all!
#mrorangetrump #trumpisatraitor #trumpisalaughingstock
My dear American friends,
Your SCOTUS and House of Congress has now become the laughing stock of the democratic communities all over the world. You used to be the bastion of justice and democracy. How truly said that you've become what you are today because of one lunatic!
We implore you to please ... PLEASE ... do everything in your power not to bring back #MrOrangeTrump to the White House, we won't be able to take it anymore.
A Concerned Canadian Neighbour 💞
Oh, he was just safekeeping them for #MrOrangeTrump ... ooopsie!