Shout-out to all my #mrrf2023 friends that I saw there that are here on the fediverse.
If you were there sound off, trying to get the *RRF peeps here on Fedi talking to them more.
@themitch22 and some other folks I saw :)
Saw a horse getting to #mrrf2023 at the hardware store getting last minute stuff.
Time to get my #mrrf2023 on soon. Was having breakfast with peeps from Chris's basement and the #RMRRF2023 group talking stuff.
Almost #mrrf2023 time and new printer almost ready.
Just need to load Klipper and get config file loaded. Everything mechanically is in, wires routed and cleaned up, etc!
#3dprinting #reprap as well.
My first bent plates from sendcutsend arrived for Sylph MK6. 5mm aluminum
Design files need a little work on my end and importer ate some screw holes but I can fix that for next revision.
Come #mrrf2023 I'll have some real cool stuff to show.
The next generation of the Sylph effector system shaping up. Will be interesting to see if I get it done before #mrrf2023.
Caption has all the techy details. Thinking of putting this one in one of my retrofits of my MKV version to do weight and performance tuning before going to the MKVI
#mrrf2023 #3dprinting #deltaprinter