Today's was what Monday's would have been if I hadn't gotten double impact punctures on the . Not a problem on and never lets me down! 55km done heading south from mine to just past and turn for home at . After Wilmslow is where this shared path section starts and takes you all the way to , near , about 5km. Sweet! Got home just as my wife rang our son for tech support on how to tether her phone to her Chromebook while she was at her brother's. Invoice is emailed!

#manchesterairport #ride #pinarellomarvel #tubeless #osgartheorro #wilmslow #woodford #hazelgrove #stockport #orro #cycling #orrobikes #BikeTooter #biketoot #fromwhereiride #outsideisfree #cyclingislife #mrscaseystechsupporthowcanihelp #cyclingisawesome

Last updated 1 year ago