Jan 23, 2023 - Day 23 - NewPlay Bonus Review
Total NewPlays: 30
Game: Mr. Shifty
Platform: Steam PC
Release Date: Apr 14, 2017
Library Date: Jan 8, 2018
Unplayed: 1841 days (5y15d)
Playtime: 26m
Mr. Shifty is a game that, had it not come in a bundle, I definitely would not have bought it; were I not working my way through this little project, I'd probably have never played it.
Going in dark, based on the name, I didn't really want to play it, and then it turned out to be a controller-based, top-down, (theoretically) twin-stick "shooter", action game.
That would have been my loss.
The right stick is rarely used, and the titular character cannot (as yet?) shoot.
What he can do is teleport, and punch things, and so you found myself navigating a level working out how best to teleport to a point that I can punch the enemies, without them one-shotting me.
Initially frustrating, at the 5 minute mark, I was "15 minutes will never end", but as I started to get the hang of it, it turns out to be wildly entertaining, even if there is some frantic button mashing involved.
At the 26 minute mark, I logged out with level 2 completed.
While deaths are frequent, each level has mini-stages, so you're returned to the start of that mini-stage, to try and teleport and punch your way through; sometimes the best strategy is letting the environment take care of the enemies.
Turns out, Mr. Shifty is kinda:
4: Good
#MrShifty #TopDown #TwinStick #Gaming #Project365ONG #Project365 #NewPlay
#mrshifty #topdown #twinstick #gaming #project365ong #project365 #newplay