What's he looking for? #TCMParty #EatingRaoul #MrShow
#TCMParty #eatingraoul #mrshow
@RadicalRuss Also, I doubt Hawley meant to slip in a sly #MrShow "Life is Precious And God and the Bible" reference, but it made me chuckle.
The most hilarious Mr. Show
Power, Profit and Passion
The Book of Marshall
"I thought you were in Hawaii."
"A lot of people think a lot of things about Hawaii."
-Mr. Show
It's hard to quietly watch episodes of #MrShow late at night because you end up making a bunch of noise laughing your ass off the entire time.
The episode when NASA decides to blow up the moon. *Iam dying*
#mrshow #bobanddavid #lmao #myshoeshurt
My favorite line from #MrShow
"What are you doing here! I thought you were in Hawaii??"
"A lot of people.. think a lot of things.. about Hawaii."
My favorite TV shows from childhood to today:
#SesameStreet #fragglerock #thepriceisright #thewonderyears #northernexposure #mysocalledlife #mrshow #Sopranos #arresteddevelopment #sexandthecity #theoffice #parksandrec #house #greysanatomy #antiquesroadshow #pbsnature #pbsnova #thex #quantumleap #ModernFamily
We need to make Worthington's Law A Thing. Too many people are implicitly following it already.
#ElonMusk #DonaldTrump #WorthingtonsLaw #Twitter #BirdSite #HumanWorth #ValueMagazine #MrShow #BobOdenkirk #DavidCross #WayToGoEinstein
#elonmusk #donaldtrump #worthingtonslaw #twitter #birdsite #humanworth #valuemagazine #mrshow #bobodenkirk #davidcross #waytogoeinstein