It really is true that a person doesn’t have to be a member of the House of Representatives to be Speaker. Though it does have to be a real living person, I think. Nevertheless, they should nominate Jefferson Smith, the titular Mr. Smith, and see what happens. Pretty sure both Democrats and Republicans would like to claim him. #MrSmithGoesToWashington #housespeaker
#housespeaker #mrsmithgoestowashington
@samwilliamcc Love #2001ASpaceOdyssey and #ATripToTheMoon and #StarTrek II sooooo much. Strangely never seen #Hellraiser but horror is not my primary jam. Here are some of my faves (not counting the above loves) in no particular order:
#darkcity #thematrix #apollo13 #mrsmithgoestowashington #grandbudapesthotel #InglouriousBasterds #adviseandconsent #sunshine #moon #malcolmx #fifthelement #hellraiser #StarTrek #atriptothemoon #2001aspaceodyssey