»Rok temu zmarł Peter Straub«
Amerykański pisarz horrorów i powieści fantastycznych oraz poeta Peter Straub zmarł 4 września 2022 roku w wieku 79 lat.
#Fahrenheit_zin #TheTalizman #StephenKing #CzarnyDom #Julia #BlackHouse #PeterStraub #Mystery #Marriages #UnderVenus #Upiornaopowieść #GhostStory #Krainacieni #Shadowland #FloatingDragon #Tajemnica #PanX #MrX #Talizman
#fahrenheit_zin #thetalizman #stephenking #czarnydom #julia #blackhouse #peterstraub #mystery #marriages #undervenus #upiornaopowiesc #ghoststory #krainacieni #shadowland #floatingdragon #tajemnica #panx #mrx #talizman
If your government is doing business with lobbyists that dress up like mobsters you may want to think twice about who you do business with? #onpoli #FraudFest #GreenbeltScandal #MrX
Mr. X and Phoenix Kiss, lol! Unreal.
#mrx #greenbeltscandal #fraudfest #onpoli
Some #NSFW sketches of #LeonKennedy and #MrX of #ResidentEvil
I'm being lazy today, hands don't want to create art, so instead I'm posting sketches I did like a month or two ago and just never colored. Not my usual content, but what can I say, I love this man.
#nsfw #leonkennedy #mrx #residentevil
I was honored to be interviewed by the folks at Little Bird Marketing about the joys of being a member of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association (qrca.org). You can listen to the podcast here: https://podcast.littlebirdmarketing.com/mrx-mavericks-quallies-of-the-world-unite-with-lauren-isaacson #mrx #uxresearch #uxr #littlebirdmarketing
#mrx #uxresearch #UXR #littlebirdmarketing
on a webinar about using AI in research. "As prediction gets cheaper, the value of human judgement will get higher." #mrx #uxr #uxresearch #marketresearch
#mrx #UXR #uxresearch #marketresearch
Hey, qualitative researchers on Mastodon (or those who are qual curious). The Qualitative Research Consultants Association is hosting a 3-day conference in Lisbon this October (https://www.qrca.org/page/worldwide-conference-central). Hope to see lots of you there. #uxr #uxresearch #mrx #marketresearch
#UXR #uxresearch #mrx #marketresearch
Great AAPOR short course taught today by Sixia Chen of the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center: "Introduction to Data Integration for Combining Probability and Non-Probability Samples". More great courses coming up! https://aapor.org/78th-annual-conference-short-courses/ #AAPOR #MRX
Here's how we've been using research and evidence to inform what we do every day 👇
RT @researchlive@twitter.com
From the latest @ImpactMRS@twitter.com, research is at the centre of @Booktrust@twitter.com’s plans to get children reading, by placing a firm focus on understanding family life. Katie McQuater speaks to Ruthann Hughes to find out more about the charity’s approach:
https://www.research-live.com/article/features/reading-the-room-how-booktrust-encourages-more-families-to-read/id/5111362 #mrx
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/researchlive/status/1651176757465169927
How we review code at Pew Research Center: https://www.pewresearch.org/decoded/2023/04/05/how-we-review-code-at-pew-research-center/ #MRX
Alternative headline: The Census let Brazilian respondents self-identify for once,
https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/04/19/how-a-coding-error-provided-a-rare-glimpse-into-latino-identity-among-brazilians-in-the-u-s/ #mrx
Over on LinkedIn, @erinbalsa shared the great article "Writing Survey Questions", https://www.pewresearch.org/our-methods/u-s-surveys/writing-survey-questions/, which is definitely worth a read (or re-read) #mrx
"A large proportion of psychology studies rely on participants recruited from WEIRD (White, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, Democratic) groups." https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/thinking-about-kids/201710/attracting-weird-samples #MRX
How rates of nonresponse to optional open-ended questions vary. https://www.pewresearch.org/decoded/2023/03/07/nonresponse-rates-on-open-ended-survey-questions-vary-by-demographic-group-other-factors/ #PewResearch #MRX
"Less like Spock, more like Darwin" https://bluetoad.com/publication/?i=784284&p=30&view=issueViewer #MRX
"If quiet quitting and the resultant drop in productivity stemmed from remote work, we should see a drop in productivity right from the start of the pandemic, then, when offices opened back up, we should see productivity going up as workers went back to the office. In reality, we see the opposite trend." https://fortune.com/2023/02/16/return-office-real-reason-slump-productivity-data-careers-gleb-tsipursky/ #MRX
I finally wrote up this thread as a blog post on what we've learned from respondents. https://researchscape.com/blog/improving-the-respondent-experience #MRX
Data mining, data science, or analytics, what does it all mean? Read our post to discover how analytics might help you solve your next marketing puzzle! #DataScience #DataAnalytics #MRX http://dlvr.it/SkBqjw
#datascience #dataanalytics #mrx