“#ElSalvador, long whipsawed by #gangviolence that made it one of the world’s most dangerous countries, turned things around by jailing huge swaths of its population. President Nayib Bukele’s government has implemented a campaign to arrest en masse suspected members of the #MS13 and #18thStreet #gangs. The strategy has helped lower homicides by 92%. The number of Salvadorans illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico border has dropped by 44%.”
#elsalvador #gangviolence #ms13 #18thstreet #gangs
In 1724, an #English author described how gangs of Atlantic #veterans, socially displaced after demobilization; using military tactics, organization, and culture for organized crime, had become so successful as to threaten the #BritishEmpire itself, and this keeps happening.
#Pirates #OathKeepers #ProudBoys #HellsAngels #Outlaws #RussianMafia #ItalianMafia #MS13
#english #veterans #britishempire #pirates #oathkeepers #proudboys #hellsangels #outlaws #russianmafia #italianmafia #ms13
我看到很多讨论(和一些文章)表明#Haiti 在打击帮派方面效仿萨尔瓦多的模式可能会做得很好。这里发生的事情比表面上看到的要多得多,我将在这里尝试解释......
萨尔瓦多的两个传统政党,ARENA 和 FMLN,都与帮派有着长期的联系。无论它喜欢如何描绘自己,但 ES 的现任政府也在谈判破裂之前与他们进行了秘密谈判......
继续有迹象表明政府与帮派之间存在深层联系。 MS-13 的主要领导人 El Crook 从监狱获释,并在萨尔瓦多边境外被社会结构局局长 Carlos Marroquín 带走
另一名涉嫌与 MS-13 合作的 Jorge Manuel Vega Knight 于去年获释,并归还了他的资产。新闻和检察机关的调查确定,维加·奈特 (Vega Knight) 担任其辩护律师的是总检察长鲁道夫·德尔加多 (Rodolfo Delgado)
.除了被捕者之外,事件比比皆是,例如 24 岁的 Josselyn Palacios,在亲政府的社交媒体账户错误地声称她是#MS13 成员时被迫逃离 ES,当时她要求释放 47,000 名被拘留者中的一些人。
所有这一切都是说,要谨慎消费政府 - 任何政府 - 不加批判地宣传自己。海地的情况与萨尔瓦多的情况不同,需要有自己的一套解决方案和措施。
Maham Javaid: El Salvador’s president is flaunting a new mega prison. Activists are worried.
"'This new mega prison is a symbol of Bukele’s mad security policies,' Juan Pappier, the acting deputy director for the Americas at Human Rights Watch, told The Washington Post on Sunday."
"After Bukele won the presidency in February 2019, gangs made agreements with the government to reduce the number of public murders, 'which politically benefited the government of El Salvador,' the U.S. Justice Department said in the indictment. It appeared as if the murder rate was dropping, 'when in fact, MS-13 leaders continued to authorize murders where the victims’ bodies were buried or otherwise hidden.'"
#NayibBukele #elsalvador #ms13 #murder
Free (gift) article from #wapo
#nayibbukele #elsalvador #ms13 #murder #wapo
That's actually the motto of the US "founding fathers"
RT @CMF_GlobalRisk
@puchicadanny #ms13 #marasalvatrucha #bukele
#ms13 #marasalvatrucha #bukele
#Biden is eliminating the #MS13 threat faster than any President in history. #trump was all talk and failed miserably on this.
And Speaking of El Salvador And Bitcoin...
#bitcoin #elsalvador #ms13 #scam #bukele
Reprieve from #ms13 violence after massive 2016 sweep didn't last long; new leader faces sentencing for overseeing murder, violence, recruitment of new members in local high schools #EastBoston #Boston #crime #gangs https://www.universalhub.com/2022/reprieve-ms-13-violence-after-massive-2016-sweep
#gangs #crime #boston #EastBoston #ms13
El Salvador: MS-13 gang blames killing spree on broken pact with government — report
La gang salvadoregna MS13 studia il grande salto nel traffico di droga mondiale - Il Sole 24 ORE #gang #salvadoregna #ms13 #studia #salto #traffico #droga #mondiale #sole #18maggio https://parliamodi.news/article/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuaWxzb2xlMjRvcmUuY29tL2FydC9sYS1nYW5nLXNhbHZhZG9yZWduYS1tczEzLXN0dWRpYS1ncmFuZGUtc2FsdG8tdHJhZmZpY28tZHJvZ2EtbW9uZGlhbGUtQUVaSjMwWUI=
#18maggio #sole #mondiale #droga #traffico #salto #studia #ms13 #salvadoregna #gang
The World's Coolest Dictator | VICE on SHOWTIME
#ElSalvador #gang #Bukele #MS13 #Barrio18 #crackdown #autocracy
#elsalvador #gang #Bukele #ms13 #Barrio18 #crackdown #autocracy
El Salvador drug gangs face ‘world’s coolest dictator’ as innocent suffer in crackdown
#elsalvador #gang #ms13 #Barrio18 #Bukele #crackdown
I expect some serious attempts will be made to kill president Bukele.
El Salvador Arrests 6,000 Gang Members In 10 Days
#elsalvador #gang #ms13 #Bukele
Yes, #JoeBiden 's BORDER WELCOMES #COVID19 #childtrafickers #MS13 #Fentanyl #Terrorists & #DRUGS
#drugs #terrorists #fentanyl #ms13 #childtrafickers #COVID19 #JoeBiden
Kickstarter Denies Lonestar Comic Crowdfund For âDiscriminatingâ Against MS-13 | #MS13 #Comics #Kickstarter #ComicsGate
#ms13 #comics #kickstarter #comicsgate
Negligent #parents drive me nuts. If my daughter had said this, she would not be returning to that school. If the #schools are failing you do not send your kids there! #getaclue https://www.washingtonpost.com/local/ms-13-is-taking-over-the-school-one-teen-warned-before-she-was-killed/2018/03/09/93ed7c9c-2083-11e8-86f6-54bfff693d2b_story.html #MS13 #gangs
#parents #schools #getaclue #ms13 #gangs
Watch our award documentary on #MS13 "The Engineer" https://t.co/NnMLJhadqg
What is #MS13? US Attorney General Jeff Sessions was in El Salvador last week. https://t.co/lxRiFosO7C https://t.co/6b4DMCFsgA