Now watching:
'Ms .45' (2019) - directed by Abel Ferrara..
..with Zoë Lund, Albert Sinkys, Darlene Stuto, Abel Ferrara, Helen McGara, Editta Sherman, Stephen Singer, Jayne Kennedy, Jack Thibeau, Nike Zachmanoglou.....
#Ms45 #AbelFerrara - #cinema #cinemastodon #film #movie - #watched #nowwatching - #revenge #femalelead
#femalelead #revenge #nowwatching #watched #movie #film #cinemastodon #cinema #AbelFerrara #ms45
42 years ago:
Ms .45 (US)
A shy and mute seamstress goes insane after being attacked and raped twice in one day. She wanders the New York streets at night in a sexy black dress with her attacker's gun strapped to her garter belt, blowing away any man who tries to pick her up.
#Ms45 #ZoëLund #JackThibeau #Film
#ms45 #zoelund #jackthibeau #film
MS .45 (1981)
Very tactful considering the subject (a woman seeking revenge for... what women tend to seek revenge for in cinema), yet still has some 80s New York sleaze & a grindhouse feel. Been on my watchlist for ages, really enjoyed this, perhaps my favourite of Abel Ferrara's which I've seen. Well balanced revenge flick, with some really memorable images (& sax tune).
#cinemastodon #filmastodon #ms45 #abelferrara #revengefilm