XRY 10.6.1 Release: Support For iOS 17 Beta, Wider Device Range, And Multiple App Enhancements https://www.forensicfocus.com/news/xry-10-6-1-release-support-for-ios-17-beta-wider-device-range-and-multiple-app-enhancements/ #MSAB #DFIR
How To Use Rapid Hash Matching In The Battle Against CSAM #MSAB #CSAM #DFIR https://www.forensicfocus.com/articles/how-to-use-rapid-hash-matching-in-the-battle-against-csam/
How To Get The Upper Hand In A Constantly Evolving Digital World Through Mobile Forensic Training (That Actually Makes A Difference) https://www.forensicfocus.com/articles/how-to-get-the-upper-hand-in-a-constantly-evolving-digital-world-through-mobile-forensic-training-that-actually-makes-a-difference/ #MSAB #mobileforensics #DFIR
📬 Lesetipps: ChatGPT auf die Schliche kommen, ein schwurbelnder Kim Dotcom
#Datenschutz #Hacking #Hintergrundberichte #Internet #KünstlicheIntelligenz #Kurios #Lesetipps #Linux #Malware #Podcast #ReverseEngineering #Videos #BSI #Cellebrite #ChatGPT #DarknetDiaries #DetectGPT #EssetResearch #github #HonkHase #KimDotcom #MSAB #NoGoogle #RossUlbricht #SilkRoad #Twitter #Yandex https://tarnkappe.info/lesetipps/lesetipps-chatgpt-auf-die-schliche-kommen-ein-schwurbelnder-kim-dotcom-264340.html
#yandex #twitter #silkroad #rossulbricht #nogoogle #msab #kimdotcom #HonkHase #github #essetresearch #detectgpt #darknetdiaries #chatgpt #cellebrite #bsi #videos #reverseengineering #podcast #malware #linux #lesetipps #kurios #kunstlicheintelligenz #internet #Hintergrundberichte #hacking #datenschutz
An #Anonymous whistleblower has rocked the mobile forensics world by providing hacktivists with a whopping 1.7 TB of data on Israeli #Cellebrite and 103 GB of data on Swedish firm #MSAB.
via @Hackread
#leaks #breach #ddosecrets #Security #msab #cellebrite #Anonymous
RT @HackRead@twitter.com
An #anonymous whistleblower has rocked the mobile forensics world by providing hacktivists with a whopping 1.7 TB of data on Israeli #Cellebrite and 103 GB of data on Swedish firm #MSAB.
Read: https://www.hackread.com/hacktivists-leak-cellebrite-msab-data/
#anonymous #cellebrite #msab #security #ddosecrets #breach #leaks
The #Cellebrite and #MSAB data (both are #smartphone #forensic firms) was provided to #Hacktivists by an “anonymous whistleblower.” Who subsequently leaked all 1.7TB of Cellebrite, and 103GB of MSAB Data https://bit.ly/3ZAonYh
#cellebrite #msab #smartphone #forensic #hacktivists
COOL #INFOSEC CRIME ALERT: pastebin . com/nDeLW7hk
#Cellebrite (1.6TB)/ #MSAB leak (96GB) of phone forensics software and documentation.