Ed S · @EdS
532 followers · 3328 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

I think I've found a bug in a 1977 version of Basic... I wonder if it's a new finding?

110 A=SQR(2)
120 B=SQR(3)
130 C=SQR(6)

Turns out A*B-C is non zero, which is fair and more or less expected, but C-A*B is different - it's zero - and I didn't expect that.

This is of course Microsoft for the . The problem seems to be present in all their 6502 basics.


#basic #commodore #pet #retrocomputing #msbasic

Last updated 1 year ago

Deembe 🎸 · @deembe
23 followers · 96 posts · Server musicians.today

My first computer, the Ohio Scientific International II. Though my introduction to Microsoft Basic and 6502 Assember came 2 years earlier in 1979, stealing time on my brother's C1P machine. Fundamentally a Superboard in a metal case. We printed out listings on a Army Surplus Creed Teleprinter.

Still got the Superborard but doubt that it still works!


#superboard #msbasic #assembler #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing

Last updated 2 years ago

Ike · @ike
120 followers · 259 posts · Server pkm.social

I'm writing a follow up for each of the interests I tagged in my post to help "find my tribe".

I'm a coder, but not a developer.

My coding experiences include:

- vague memories of typing stuff in a VIC-20 using (I'm told) was

- later, making choose-your-own-adventure games in

- as an ops guy at work, , , , and for ad hoc stuff, only dipping in etc as necessary

Wish I'd been a dev instead of a biz generalist

#introduction #msbasic #qbasic #sql #csharp #r #python #php #javascript

Last updated 2 years ago

Ed S · @EdS
481 followers · 3264 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Yes, that's the code I expected - the spiky not-quite-Mandelbrot jumps out at you once you've seen both versions side by side.

ZTEMP would be as good as ZR.

The ambiguity in long variable names is really a misfeature - easy to have bugs and hard to find them.


#msbasic #basic

Last updated 2 years ago