Nagasaki – Japan | MSC Poesia World Cruise 2023 | #shorts
#Einblicke #Eindrücke #fotos #Japan #kreuzfahrt #MSC #MSCPoesia #Nagasaki #Nagasakidestinations #Nagasakitour #Nagasakitravel #Nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation #Poesia #travel #traveller #tsjReiseblog #Weltreise #Weltreise2023 #worldcruise #WorldCruise2023 #長崎
#shorts #einblicke #eindrucke #fotos #japan #kreuzfahrt #msc #mscpoesia #nagasaki #nagasakidestinations #nagasakitour #nagasakitravel #nagasakitrip #nagasakivacation #poesia #travel #traveller #tsjreiseblog #weltreise #weltreise2023 #worldcruise #worldcruise2023 #長崎
Naha – Japan | MSC Poesia World Cruise 2023 | #shorts
#Einblicke #Eindrücke #fotos #Japan #kreuzfahrt #MSC #MSCPoesia #Naha #Nahadestinations #Nahatour #Nahatravel #Nahatrip #Nahavacation #Poesia #travel #traveller #tsjReiseblog #Weltreise #Weltreise2023 #worldcruise #WorldCruise2023 #那覇
#shorts #einblicke #eindrucke #fotos #japan #kreuzfahrt #msc #mscpoesia #naha #nahadestinations #nahatour #nahatravel #nahatrip #nahavacation #poesia #travel #traveller #tsjreiseblog #weltreise #weltreise2023 #worldcruise #worldcruise2023 #那覇
World Cruise Day 63: Philippine Immigration Day
Tracey describes the immigration process prior to their arrival to the Philippines during the 2023 MSC World Cruise on the MSC Poesia.
#aroundtheworld #Aroundtheworldcruise #aroundtheworldcruisevlog #cruiseship #immigrationonacruiseship #MSCCruises #MSCPoesia #mscpoetry #Naha #Nahadestinations #Nahatour #Nahatravel #Nahatrip #Nahavacation #worldcruise #worldcruisevlog #那覇
#aroundtheworld #aroundtheworldcruise #aroundtheworldcruisevlog #cruiseship #immigrationonacruiseship #msccruises #mscpoesia #mscpoetry #naha #nahadestinations #nahatour #nahatravel #nahatrip #nahavacation #worldcruise #worldcruisevlog #那覇
World Cruise Day 52: Important Announcement
On this 2023 MSC World Cruise, we have mulled over their disappointment that the MSC Poesia is not going to India. So, we have made a big decision.
#Aroundtheworldcruise #aroundtheworldcruisevlog #India #msccruiseline #MSCPoesia #mscpoetry #Naha #Nahadestinations #Nahatour #Nahatravel #Nahatrip #Nahavacation #overlandexcursion #worldcruise #worldcruisevlog #那覇
#aroundtheworldcruise #aroundtheworldcruisevlog #india #msccruiseline #mscpoesia #mscpoetry #naha #nahadestinations #nahatour #nahatravel #nahatrip #nahavacation #overlandexcursion #worldcruise #worldcruisevlog #那覇