Michel Reimon · @michelreimon
226 followers · 3141 posts · Server respublicae.eu

Heute vor 11 Jahren, der erste tweet vom Mars. Happy birthday, curiosity!
<div class="rsshub-quote">
Curiosity Rover: I'm safely on the surface of Mars. GALE CRATER I AM IN YOU!!!

🐦🔗: n.respublicae.eu/michelreimon/


Last updated 1 year ago

Simeon Schmauß · @stim3on
573 followers · 826 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Seeing clouds from the surface of will never get old.
The rover spotted these on Sol 3063 at dusk over a rock outcrop named Mont Mercou.
They are likely made of carbon dioxide and at an altitude of over 60km, which is much higher than typical for Mars.

Full resolution: flic.kr/p/2oUgFwL

NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß

#mars #curiosity #marssciencelaboratory #msl #clouds #nasa #space #solarocks

Last updated 1 year ago

Simeon Schmauß · @stim3on
573 followers · 826 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Seeing clouds from the surface of will never get old.
The rover spotted these on Sol 3063 at dusk over a rock outcrop named Mont Mercou.
They are likely made of carbon dioxide and at an altitude of over 60km, which is much higher than typical for Mars.

Full resolution: flic.kr/p/2oUgFwL

NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß

#mars #curiosity #marssciencelaboratory #msl #clouds #nasa #space #solarocks

Last updated 1 year ago

Simeon Schmauß · @stim3on
566 followers · 796 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Congrats to Curiosity and her entire team who are celebrating the 11th ladiversary today! 🥳
I used the occasion to reprocess the first of many amazing rover selfies which was taken on Sol 84.

Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/Simeon Schmauß

#curiosity #marssciencelaboratory #msl #mars #nasa #space #solarocks

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Hammond · @PaulHammond51
367 followers · 850 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Curiosity rover's latest workspace, imaged on mission Sol 3885 (July 12, 2023). This processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. It shows details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. Scalebar provided.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl #bayerreconstructed #scalebar

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Hammond · @PaulHammond51
364 followers · 845 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Curiosity rover's workspace, on mission Sol 3880 (July 6, 2023). A processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames, it covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across, and features details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. A 50 centimeter scalebar has been added (~20 inches).

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#curiosityrover #mars #marsrover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl #bayerreconstructed

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Hammond · @PaulHammond51
364 followers · 845 posts · Server fosstodon.org

A nice drive of ~44 meters for Curiosity on Sol 3880 brings the rover a little closer to a cluster of impact craters. Post drive images, a map and the drive data is attached.

Credits: NASA/JPL-Caltech

#curiosityrover #msl #marsrover #mars #nasa #space #science #jpl #caltech #map #data

Last updated 1 year ago

Gerardo Lisboa · @gvlx
178 followers · 2190 posts · Server masto.pt
Paul Hammond · @PaulHammond51
333 followers · 734 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Curiosity rover's latest workspace, imaged during sol 3853 (June 9, 2023) after a drive towards the Southeast of 5.6 meters (18.3 ft) to site #101/1492. This processed mosaic of six overlapping Bayer reconstructed left-side MastCam frames covers an area about 2 meters (~6.5 feet) across. It shows details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS/fredk

#mars #marsrover #rover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl

Last updated 1 year ago

Ariadne · @ariadne
890 followers · 114 posts · Server kolektiva.social

On 21. April the (World Meteorological Organization) released their "State of the Global Climate 2022" annual report. There is no good news at all for the ; the is in full-swing. If you've not read the report, you should. You can download it from a link here -

Here are the "highlights" (lowlights) from the "Key Messages" section of the WMO report.

- Concentrations of the three main greenhouse gases – carbon dioxide , and – reached record highs in 2021, the latest year for which consolidated global values are available (1984–2021).The annual increase in methane concentration from 2020 to 2021 was the highest on record. Real-time data from specific locations show that levels of the three continued to increase in 2022.

heating - Around 90% of the energy trapped in the climate system by greenhouse gases goes into the ocean. Ocean heat content, which measures this gain in energy, reached a new observed record high in 2022.

- Despite continuing La Niña conditions, 58% of the ocean surface experienced at least one during 2022. In contrast, only 25% of the ocean surface experienced a marine cold spell.

- Global mean sea level continued to rise in 2022, reaching a new record high for the satellite altimeter record (1993–2022). The rate of global mean sea level rise has doubled between the first decade of the satellite record (1993–2002, 2.27 mm per year) and the last (2013–2022, 4.62 mm per year).

melting - In the hydrological year 2021/2022, a set of reference glaciers with long-term observations experienced an average mass balance of −1.18 metres water equivalent (m w.e.). This loss is much larger than the average over the last decade. Six of the ten most negative mass balance years on record (1950– 2022) occurred since 2015. The cumulative mass balance since 1970 amounts to more than −26 m w.e.

in , insecurity - In East , rainfall has been below average in five consecutive wet seasons, the longest such sequence in 40 years. As of August 2022, an estimated 37 million people faced acute food insecurity across the region, under the effects of the drought and other shocks.

- Record-breaking rain in July and August led to extensive flooding in .There were at least 1 700 deaths, and 33 million people were affected, while almost 8 million people were displaced. Total damage and economic losses were assessed at US$ 30 billion.

- Record-breaking heatwaves affected and during the summer. In some areas, extreme heat was coupled with exceptionally dry conditions. Excess deaths associated with the heat in Europe exceeded 15 000 in total across , , the United Kingdom #, France and

#wmo #climate #ClimateCrisis #ghg #co2 #methane #Nitrousoxide #greenhousegases #ocean #marineheatwave #marine #heatwave #sealevelrise #msl #Glacier #drought #wetseason #food #africa #flooding #pakistan #china #europe #spain #germany #uk #portugal #klima #klimakrise #un

Last updated 1 year ago

Kletterechse · @kletterechse
335 followers · 247 posts · Server troet.cafe

Guten Morgen ihr Lieben,
Ich hoffe, ihr habt ein schönes verlängertes Wochenende. Uns hat es seit ein paar Tagen in Süden zum Klettern verschlagen.
Hier ein Eindruck des Ausblicks von gestern. .

Wünsche euch allen einen wunderschönen 1. Mai. 🔆

#mountainmonday #msl #mehrseillangen #klettern #climbing #taglichefreuden

Last updated 1 year ago

Paul Hammond · @PaulHammond51
318 followers · 636 posts · Server fosstodon.org

Curiosity rover's new workspace, imaged on sol 3812 (April 28, 2023) after another drive towards the Southeast of ~17 meters (56 ft) to site #101/714. This mosaic of six MastCam frames covers an area about 2 meters (~6 feet) across. It shows details within the workspace accessible to the instruments and tools on the rover's two meter-long robotic arm. The mosaic was assembled using MS-ICE.
Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/MSSS

#mars #marsrover #rover #space #curiosity #nasa #msl #jpl

Last updated 1 year ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
43 followers · 380 posts · Server universeodon.com

’s was sent to aboard a V in its 541 configuration. This meant that the rocket flew with a 5 meter diameter fairing, 4 solid rocket boosters, and a single engine on its upper stage.
In the 5 meter fairing version, the Centaur is encapsulated in the payload fairing along with the payload.
Painted on the fairing are the logos for the and the United Launch Alliance, as well as the flag and the serial number, AV-028.
, , , , , , , ,

#nasa #msl #curiosity #rover #mars #ula #atlas #rocket #centaur #atlasprogram #US #marssciencelaboratory #unitedlaunchalliance #atlasrocket #atlas5 #atlasv #marsrover #photography #photograph #photo

Last updated 1 year ago

ÉLw38 🌋 · @ELw38
67 followers · 169 posts · Server mamot.fr
Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
40 followers · 329 posts · Server universeodon.com
Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
37 followers · 314 posts · Server universeodon.com
Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

Thank you all for indulging Fox 🦊 (the ) in his silly day.
For a finale, here is a of the that carried , the Science Laboratory . This V is in its 541 configuration, with the wider 5 meter fairing decaled with 's logo, sitting on the , having just arrived from the .

#photographer #dialarocket #photograph #atlasv #rocket #curiosity #mars #rover #atlas #msl #mlp #vif

Last updated 1 year ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

When ’s left , it did so on top of a United Launch Alliance .
The is stacked in a Vertical Integration Facility on top of its Mobile Launch Platform , which is then moved by locomotive to SLC-41 at Air Force Station .

#nasa #marssciencelaboratory #msl #rover #curiosity #earth #ula #atlasv #rocket #atlas #vif #mlp #capecanaveral #ccafs

Last updated 1 year ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

An example of one of the wheels for ’s Laboratory , . They have a maximum diameter of 50mm, are 40cm wide, and are made of machined .
To save weight, the wheels were machined to a minimum thickness of 0.75mm. There are raised, chevron-shaped that help provide stiffness and traction that stand 7mm and are at regular, about 65cm, intervals.
To mark the ’s progress visually, the wheels were to be marked with a pattern that the camera could see for visual odometry. The designers of wanted to to use the initials of their organization, , but objected to the optics of leaving their initials on another plant, so they just put it in .
Unfortunately, the thinness of the wheels has resulted in their slow degradation as they are torn by sharp rocks and the tears spread. The wheels for were modified as a result. heronfox.pixels.com/featured/c

#nasa #mars #Science #rover #curiosity #aluminum #grousers #marsrover #msl #jpl #morsecode #mars2020 #perseverance

Last updated 1 year ago

65dBnoise · @65dBnoise
1298 followers · 231 posts · Server mastodon.social

Always a joy to read mission updates. You get to know what's happening and why, and what's planned for the next sols, in real time. And they are doing this for more than 10 years now.

It's not an exaggeration to call this the golden paradigm of and mission reporting.


#msl #nasa #mars #curiosity #solarocks #space

Last updated 1 year ago