Départ ce matin du patrouilleur polaire P800 L'#Astrolabe, à destination de la station Dumont d'Urville #TerreAdélie #Antarctique #TAAF #IPEV pour la 4e et antépénultième rotation R3 de sa mission de soutien à la logistique antarctique #MSLA.
#astrolabe #terreadelie #antarctique #TAAF #ipev #msla
Stacking copies on top of each other for utilizing #MSLA build volume better. After some additional research, I saw 3D System "Figure 4" slicer does also support this for their SLA machines.
Q: when I'm #3Dprinting with #MSLA machine, and I don't use the entire bed, and a piece is 100mm tall, why not put other pieces aside and even stack them in Z as well up to 100mm e.g. with "interpart" support, as the print takes the same time defined by the tallest piece anyway? Using the build volume more efficiently. Thoughts?