Now here we are on the precipice of something that I imagine will look like what if the Great Recession and the 1982 recession had a baby and I know there will be working class and working poor people who get absolutely f**king steamrolled by it. I know that’s coming and it turns my stomach.
#economy #recession #unemployment #msmlies
#Audio Stream: They're Not Worried About "Russian Influence", They're Worried About Dissent by #GoingRogue With #CaitlinJohnstone | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#MSMPropaganda #MSMDeception
#MSMBrainwashingTactics #MSMLies
#MSMBrainwashing #USGovPropaganda
#USGovernmentPropaganda #USGovLies
#USGovBrainwashingTactics #Brainwashing
#Censorship #QuashingDissent #Propaganda
#USGovernmentTrickery #USGovFalsehoods
#USGovTrickery #USGovernmentDeception
#usgovernmentdeception #usgovtrickery #usgovfalsehoods #usgovernmenttrickery #Propaganda #quashingdissent #Censorship #brainwashing #usgovbrainwashingtactics #usgovlies #usgovernmentpropaganda #usgovpropaganda #msmbrainwashing #msmlies #msmbrainwashingtactics #msmdeception #MSMPropaganda #caitlinjohnstone #goingrogue #Audio
I support #Ukrainian people, & I also support:
1. #Yemenis who are murdered daily by Saudis, & UAE, with support of #USGov.
2. #Palestinians, relentlessly murdered & oppressed by #ApartheidIsrael, with support of US Gov.
My humanity & compassion applies equally to all oppressed people of all nations.
And Dr. #JohnMearsheimer adds important historical context (of US gov & NATO expansion triggers) leading to Russia Ukraine crisis:
#ukrainian #msmlies #msmhype #truth #Facts #JohnMearsheimer #apartheidisrael #palestinians #USgov #yemenis
Stream: "Recalling CNN's Fraudulent "Interview" With A Seven Year-Old Syrian Girl by Going Rogue With Caitlin Johnstone" | Listen online for free on SoundCloud
#CaitlinJohnstone #AudioStream #GoingRogue
#CNNFraud #CNNPropaganda #CNNLies
#MSMLies #MSMPropaganda #MSMFraud
#SyrianAtrocities #USPropaganda #USLies
#USAtrocities #USAggression #USEmpire
#USHypocrisy #USGovernmentHypocrisy
#usgovernmenthypocrisy #UShypocrisy #usempire #usaggression #usatrocities #uslies #uspropaganda #syrianatrocities #msmfraud #MSMPropaganda #msmlies #CNNLies #cnnpropaganda #cnnfraud #goingrogue #Audiostream #caitlinjohnstone
@jfngw I couldn't agree more, the MSM (including BBC) is a group largely focussed on propagandising everything, all to favour the increasingly hard right wing on the Tory Party.
In Scotland, the media actively lies as well.
It's only by using news aggregators, and following a few bloggers, that we have any chance of getting real facts.
#msmlies #costoftoriescrisis #torylies