Mein #Wochenrückblick, Ausgabe 5 (2023-35). Diesmal mit #Things und #Obisidian, #iOS Accessibility Shortcuts, #Axt gegen Hauklotz, #Amazon #SES und #msmtp, @mailbox_org, #HSTS, #Shimano, natürlich dem #Knoten der Woche und #Techno.
#techno #knoten #shimano #hsts #msmtp #ses #amazon #axt #ios #obisidian #things #wochenruckblick
Alle paar Jahre krame ich dann doch mal #msmtp heraus, um Mail-Versand zu testen[1]. Ich freue mich dann immer, dass die ~/.msmtprc noch vom letzten Mal vorhanden ist und ich nur ein paar Zeilen duplizieren und anpassen muss.
[1] Eigentlich nur, um sagen zu können „Also bei mir geht’s.“
#FOSS advice required!
I have been running #ssmtp on raspberrypi as I need to get mail off the box. However, I see notes on debian that is is now unmaintained but still available as a package.
I've looked at #msmtp as an alternative and also #dma. both seem to work well
I only need a method of getting mail off the box so I don't need a full smtpd like exim, postfix etc.
What's the feeling for a futureproof, supported transfer agent?
#foss #rasbperrypi #debian #manjaro #freebsd #openbsd #ssmtp #msmtp #dma
I've a question for users of #msmtp . I have the three scripts and my queue dir setup fine but i notice that this script says to run this script when you are online to send all mails in the queue directory.
How are you checking that you are online and running this command ?? #aerc
@emory Probably something like this setup: Using #mbsync #msmtp and #davmail That's what I do at least :-)
If you are a command line and text terminal fan like myself, chances are you are using this trio daily:
– #pass for managing #passwords,
– #mutt for reading and writing #email,
– #msmtp for sending out e-mails via weird mail servers such as #MS #Exchange that mutt cannot talk to directly.
Today I figured out how to make them work together without entering or storing #cleartext passwords.
I am using GNU/Linux and have #gpg agent working.
I used pass to store my e-mail (and #ActiveDirectory) password under the name uni/mail. This generated the encrypted file ~/.password-store/uni/mail.gpg. So …
In ~/.muttrc, I put:
set imap_pass=`gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.password-store/uni/mail.gpg`
In ~/.msmtprc, I put:
passwordeval gpg2 --no-tty -q -d ~/.password-store/uni/mail.gpg
Whenever I change this password, all I have to do is to store it using pass. The other programs will fetch it from there and decrypt it when they need it.
#linux #gnu #imap #smtp #mua #gnupg #pgp #cli #activedirectory #gpg #cleartext #exchange #ms #msmtp #email #mutt #passwords #pass
I'm on the trip right now and rarely have a stable connection. Quite happy that it's easy to work offline on Guix and rde projects.
The documentation is available in info format and easily accessible from emacs. I can do review, prepare replies to reviews/other messages and look up discussions with my mail client.
I do all the neccessary stuff completely offline and send the results, when I have a network.
#emacs #notmuch #guix #RDE #msmtp #git #email
Anyway I just wrote about email on unix again, cause I'm a nut:
#alpine #msmtp #email #unix #linux #movemail #mailutils
@MicroCheapFx Oui, mais pas que. Le serveur SMTP pour envoyer le courriel aussi (actuellement, j'utilise #msmtp).
Dites, j'ai une douzaine de boîtes mails que je sauvegarde avec #mbsync, chacune dans un dossier du type domaine/utilisateur.
Je voudrais utiliser #neomutt et #notmuch pour toutes les visionner dans une seule et même boîte de réception, et que le bon compte soit automatiquement utilisé avec #msmtp quand je réponds.
Ce serait possible ?
Vous voyez comment faire ça proprement ?
#mbsync #neomutt #notmuch #msmtp