There's a difference between supporting #AbortionRights and advocating for #eugenics projects to eliminate a minority group.
In 1948, the #UnitedNations said "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group" classifies as genocide.
That includes prenatal screenings for #Autism
About a decade ago, @DrNicky wrote, "The social dynamics that manifest in regard to neurodiversity are similar to the social dynamics that manifest in regard to other forms of diversity," so we should have no trouble recognizing that what #Google and #AutismSpeaks are doing with #MSSNG is eerily reminiscent of when the #DailyMail newspaper promoted the queerphobic desire "to predict whether a baby will be gay and give the mother the option of an abortion.”
#abortionrights #eugenics #unitednations #autism #Google #autismspeaks #mssng #dailymail
Perhaps you haven't heard, perhaps you need a reminder… #Google partners with #AutismSpeaks to conduct "research" into the #genetics of #autism. They claim the research is to improve diagnosis and treatment of #autistic people, but so far it all looks like garden-variety #eugenics. It looks like the only thing their work could potentially be used for is to identify and abort autistic fetuses. It's all based on pseudoscience and a fundamental misunderstanding of neurodiversity that nevertheless is embraced by psychology academia.
The #MSSNG project is pronounced "missing" because it's all about what is missing from autistic people. Isn't that a nice, neutral framing of autism? I'm sure there won't be any inherent bias. Anyway here's a link if you want to see a debacle in the making:
#Google #autismspeaks #genetics #autism #Autistic #eugenics #mssng