The latest release of PSBlitz:
- has been updated with the latest sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, sp_BlitzLock, and sp_BlitzWho, from Brent Ozar's August release of the First Responder Kit
- outputs execution plans for queries involved in deadlocks if they are still in the cache.
- adds a new report page containing deadlock-related execution plan info
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #PSBlitz
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #psblitz
This is just a brief post containing a script to get table sizes in SQL Server, along with some other information like table type, number of records, partition count, compression type, number of nonclustered indexes and their total size.
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #dba #tsql
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #dba #tsql
In this post I’ll cover ways of speeding up SELECT COUNT as well as some myths about best practices when it comes to SELECT COUNT.
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba
#sqlserver #sqldba #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba
The latest release of PSBlitz:
- returns info about opened transactions (including those belonging to sleeping sessions)
- has been updated with Brent Ozar's June release of the First Responder Kit
- adds comment-based help info
- lets you know when checks returned no records
- includes other bug fixes and minor improvements
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #PSBlitz
#sqlserver #sqldba #powershell #microsoftsqlserver #mssqlserver #mssql #mssqldba #psblitz
In this post I'll cover a quick way to get access to SQL Server when you don't have a login and don't know the password for the SA account.
This is perfect for when you "inherit" an instance from another team.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell
This is a brief post about how to fix "The certificate chain was issued by an authority that is not trusted" error when using @dbatools
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell #dbatools
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell #dbatools
In this post I'm covering the risks brought on by not securing SQL Server's service account and setting it to run under a privileged account, and demo how an attacker can leverage it to gain access to the instance's host.
It was fun using Burp Suite Pro to demo data exfiltration through HTTP, as well as HoaxShell to demo initiating a reverse shell connection, all from SQL Server.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows #security #hoaxshell #burpsuite
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows #security #hoaxshell #burpsuite
In this post I address improper configurations and their impact, as well as recommendations for securing SQL Server linked servers.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows #security
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows #security
@xocolatl @elkcityhazard I’ve been in a #mssqlserver work environment the past 10 years, so haven’t really dabbled in much else.
Currently, our CI/CD pipeline for #MSSQLServer is ADO with Pulumi. Pulumi deploys the AWS resources to stand up the instance, but then *also* runs SSM automation to run scripts that will install SQL Server and make other scripty-changes. This pipeline is brittle, not really great for changes to those instances, and doesn't handle database level changes.
My thinking right now is we did this wrong. Pulumi is great for the AWS stuff, but we neet repos and ADO pipelines for the rest of it.
In this post I cover two ways of properly securing xp_cmdshell in SQL Server 2022 to avoid unrestricted access to the underlying Windows OS.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #windows
#Microsoft == unnötig Nerven aufreibend
Hab heute Stunden damit zugebracht von einem in #Rust Code geschriebenen Programm auf einen #MSSQLServer per #ODBC zuzugreifen. Hab es zwischendurch auch in #Python mit #sqlalchemy versucht. Mit #DBeaver ging's, mit #beekeeper ging's, per Ping ging's.
Bis ich mir endlich einen passenden #ADO String gebaut hatte der dem Server genehm war. 🙄
Sowas passiert mir bei #PostgreSQL nie und auch sonst kenne ich keine solche Diva DB.
#postgresql #ado #beekeeper #dbeaver #sqlalchemy #python #ODBC #mssqlserver #rust #microsoft
In this post I'm going over some large insert speed tests in SQL Server using various table types as targets, combinations of TABLOCK and MAXDOP 0, compression, and recovery models.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
The latest release of PSBlitz brings improvements to the layout and navigation of the HTML report along with fixing a few bugs introduced in the previous release.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #PowerShell
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba #powershell
In this post I'm addressing a possible cause and fix for SQL Server connection errors 64 and 233.
#sqlserver #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
PSBlitz has been updated with the latest versions of sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, sp_BlitzLock, and sp_BlitzWho, from Brent Ozar's April release of the First Responder Kit
#sqlserver #PowerShell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
#sqlserver #powershell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
The latest release of PSBlitz:
- adds the possibility of exporting the output report in HTML format instead of Excel, making Excel/Office no longer a hard requirement for running PSBlitz.
- adds the option to also create a zip archive of the output files
#sqlserver #PowerShell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
#sqlserver #powershell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
PSBlitz has been updated with the latest versions of sp_Blitz, sp_BlitzCache, sp_BlitzFirst, sp_BlitzIndex, sp_BlitzLock, and sp_BlitzWho, from Brent Ozar's February release of the First Responder Kit
#sqlserver #PowerShell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
#sqlserver #powershell #dba #mssqlserver #mssql #sqlserverdba
I got postgres installed on the iMac along with the pgAdmin gui. Next up will be to learn the syntax differences so I can script out my tables and port over the data from MSSQL.Then I think I don't need the Windows VM.