The toots sent yesterday using #mstdnSocialEdFoss20230504 can also be viewed on my blog at
It still looks a bit awkward but just gives readers some ideas of how to backup a set of toots onto another service provider.
It took some time to do but then again I haven't used wordpress in many years.
Mastodon is so much easier to use.
I'm not sure if a code repository is a suitable place to put a set of toots.
I'll keep searching for another backup spot.
Toots sent with this hashtag mstdnSocialEdFoss20230504 can be considered a TootCast which is just a convenience for organizing toots.
More details of how to setup a #LookupAccount will be provided in another #TootCast.
#tootcast #lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
Consider an independent photo journalist named PeterP who swings through Metro city accompanied by a groovy jazz score in his quest to track down various cartoon-like-characters.
Peter maintains separate #Mastodon accounts for each of this three clients, The Morning Mail, The Daily Drama and The Evening Edition.
Peter uses a #LookupAccount on his business card to help people find his work.
#lookupaccount #Mastodon #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
By using a #LookupAccount on his business card Peter does not need to update the card if he finds additional clients or if he no longer gigs for an existing client.
This Mastodon account at would contain links to accounts for his three clients.
Peter can deal with comments from The Morning Mail using one Mastodon account without having to be concerned with receiving comments from the other two newspapers.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
By using a #LookupAccount PeterP does not need to manage a domain name and his own web site (which could be a wordpress blog).
Maintaining a Mastodon account is much easier.
PeterP is probably too busy tracking down cartoon-like characters to run a wordpress site but maintaining three Mastodon accounts would not require much time (take picture on phone then post).
Once the lookup account is setup it would not need much maintenance.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
A busy guy like PeterP might send 100 toots for each client every month. Maintaining three separate accounts would help him better organize all those toots and he could do so with only one email account. Most of the time the email account is only needed to setup the account. The three Mastodon client accounts could be on the same server if Peter felt like maintaining three separate email accounts.
Peter could also have his own Mastodon server with 4 accounts.
In the profile metadata section of his #LookupAccount PeterP adds the following links
In the profile metadata section at
he adds a link to the LookupAccount
so that people can see the account is link-verified to the one mentioned on his business card.
He adds links at the other two accounts as well.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
The domain is a special test domain typically used for documentation.
If real Mastodon accounts were used then the meta data items in both profile screen shots would display a green check mark with a green background.
People checking the #LookupAccount on Peter's business card would notice that The Morning Mail account is linked back to the lookup account indicating that the account is associated with Peter.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
Consider a software developer named Jean who volunteers for FOSS related projects on the weekends.
She might not wish to go through the extra hassle of setting up a domain name and a web site but she might wish to leave contact information in some source code files in case people had comments/questions/suggestions.
She might be working on many different FOSS projects and code repositories.
A Mastodon #LookupAccount might be useful.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
#LookupAccount continued
Jean volunteers her time on multiple projects like bash/Linux, #Python and #Mastodon.
Python is used on just about every OS but people who work on #TinySoft OS (of Redmond, Washington, USA) might not have any interest in bash and Linux.
An account that is mixed with #bash and python toots might just alienate people who are forced to use TinySoft OS
Splitting the toots between multiple accounts might be better for both groups.
#Bash #tinysoft #Mastodon #Python #lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
#LookupAccount continued
So instead of sending 1000 toots about bash and python from one account, Jean sends 500 from a bash specific account and 500 from a python specific account.
Then the #TinySoft people would not have to wade through a bunch of bash toots (even if they might learn something) and might be more willing to contribute some comments.
The people who use python on Linux might just read both accounts.
#tinysoft #lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
Jean's #LookupAccount at
might contain the following Mastodon account links in the profile metadata section
bash project
python project
Linux project
[Note these domains do not exist.]
She adds the lookup account to the files she works on so people can contact her with comments/questions/suggestions.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
There are only four items that can be added to the metadata profile section at Jean's #LookupAccount but many other projects could be added in a toot.
The links added in a toot would not display the green verified status available in the metadata section but at least she would not have to update all of the source code files she added to various code repositories and she can use the lookup account in all files.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
A #LookupAccount should be locked so that there are zero followers, very few notifications, follow only the system admin and send very few toots to minimize the amount of system resources used by the account.
Toots would be sent from one or more other accounts.
The lookup account should be on an instance that is expected to remain online for many years so that source code repositories do not have to be modified if a Mastodon server goes away.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
#mstdnSocialEdFoss20230504 13
Most people will neither want nor need a #LookupAccount.
Anyone who plans to use only one account will find the extra lookup account inconvenient in terms of setup and maintenance. It is easier to have just one account.
However people who think they might wish to use more than one account in the future, perhaps for multiple projects, should start preparing to use a lookup account from day one before setting up any Mastodon accounts.
#lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504
In the case of Peter and his business card it, some potential clients might be put off by the extra step of having to find a specific Mastodon account from a #LookupAccount.
Maybe three business cards might be better for Peter?
Jean's example might be more appropriate especially if some people do not have nor want accounts on a specific code repository (i.e. one owned by #TinySoft) in which case comments on Mastodon might be better.
#tinysoft #lookupaccount #mstdnsocialedfoss20230504