got a new book yesterday. I snagged it on ebay for a few quid as my toshiba hx-10 didnt have any manuals, and this was really cheap. sony introduction to MSX basic from their hit bit msx computers i assume. its actuially a really good duide to basic. I had a quick skim through last night and its quite comprehensive.
theres a copy on internet archive if anyone wants a browse.
#artisanbasic code now comes as #msx #msxbasic command extension or via DEFUSR calls. Video shows speed under kun basic. This also opens door to compiler use/creation, but need to explore options here.
Working further on #artisanbasic #msx #msxbasic. Providing entry points via DEFUSR. This allowed me to use X-BASIC to run main loop. It is working well and fast 😀
Will continue converting all functions and testing with compiler.
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