Not sure if it’s the green being a close match for the grass where they were feeding or what, but these butterflies seemed determined to get caught between tent and fly. #camping #butterflies #MtDisappointmentSF
#camping #butterflies #mtdisappointmentsf
I’m not sure this is the best way of packing up your tent:
Also PUT YOUR FIRE OUT PROPERLY, especially on a very high risk fire danger day. #camping #campingaus #hiking #bushwalking #MtDisappointmentSF
#camping #campingaus #hiking #bushwalking #mtdisappointmentsf
Vic[de]Forest’s handywork. #stoploggingnativeforest #forest #GreatForestNP #MtDisappointmentSF You can’t see in the photo but the puddles are full of oil and chemicals.
#stoploggingnativeforest #forest #greatforestnp #mtdisappointmentsf
Morning walk, skirting around the old site of Comit Sawmill. #trees
#MtDisappointmentSF #GreatForestNP #Forest #Hiking #Camping #HikingAus #Bushwalking
#trees #mtdisappointmentsf #greatforestnp #forest #hiking #camping #hikingaus #bushwalking
Camped at Regular Camp, Mt Disappointment. Enjoying the different morning bird calls up here. I’m surprised at how different they are to Murrindindi. Also surprised we’re the only ones here: it’s a beautiful spot. #wildlife #WildOz #MtDisappointmentSF #GreatForestNP #Forest #Hiking #Camping #HikingAus #Bushwalking
#wildlife #wildoz #mtdisappointmentsf #greatforestnp #forest #hiking #camping #hikingaus #bushwalking