#MTDITSA - two year delay confirmed to April 2026
AND joining turnover threshold raised to £50,000 from 2026 which then reduces down to £30,000 from 2027.
Afterwhihc there is a review of the working of #MTDITSA
The Govt has listened at last!
Could there be an announcement about another delay or tweak to #MTDITSA today?
There are written statements scheduled on today's Parliamentary order paper from Chancellor of Exchequer about #HMRC and #Treasury https://commonsbusiness.parliament.uk/Document/61829/Html?subType=Standard
Over @accountingweb.co.uk we have been anxiously waiting for the #MTD delay to be confirmed since rumours started circulating on 1 December.
#MTDITSA is not going to work in its present form, and the start date needs to be delayed by at least a year, say #tax experts.
Alternatively the entry turnover threshold must rise significantly above £10,000, or certain taxpayers need to be deferred (as happened for MTD for #VAT).
Neither the software or #HMRC are ready.