Und wie immer der Link zurück zur vorigen Mastery (#MTGBRO).
The weather was super nice tonight, so got to do a draft on a rooftop patio! We did another Brother’s war flashback, and I piloted a fairly medium BR Sacrifice deck to a 1-2 record:
Vs WG Artifacts: 0-2
Vs RG Ramp: 2-0
Vs WU Soldiers: 1-2
Caught the rough side of variance with a couple mulls to 6 and mana floods, but it’s hard to complain with the nice weather and friends to play with!
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtglimited #mtgbro
Here’s the trophy list! Didn’t feel like a trophy drafting it, but good bombs and card advantage got there.
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtgbro #mtglimited
Another fun Wednesday night draft!
We did a flashback to Brother’s War, and I ended up in a WG deck with a bit of red and not much synergy due to a pretty wacky draft portion.
Managed to win out off the back of Siege Veteran and Phyrexian Dragon Engine:
Vs WUr Soldiers/Value: 2-0
Vs RG Goodstuff: 2-0
Vs BG Midrange: 2–1
Great fun, and nice to trophy 🏆
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtgbro #mtglimited
Und wie bei jedem neuen #MagicTheGathering Set gibt es den Rückblick auf das vorige.
Hier also meine #MTGArenaStats zu #MTGBRO.
Hab dieses Mal wieder etwas mehr gespielt als bei #MTGDMU.
Was man aber nicht sieht: die Drafts waren etwas weniger erfolgreich was die Anzahl der erspielten Booster angeht. Dementsprechend hab ich da nur 86,5% des Playsets gegenüber 88,3% davor.
#mtgde #MTGDMU #mtgbro #MTGArenaStats #magicthegathering
So, letzter (Quick) Draft #MTGBRO ist durch, bevor dann morgen das neue Set kommt. Leider nur 3:3.
Ich hab dieses Mal mehr Quick als Premier Drafts gezockt. Gesamtwinrate von 55,2% (69:56) und dabei 12.250 Gems erspielt (insg. 4.750 im Plus, wenn man den Eintritt für die Premiers abzieht; Quick spiele ich i.d.R. mit Gold). Am Ende waren es dann 39 erdraftete Booster plus die 57 die man bei 19 Drafts ja eh aufmacht.
Haven’t played a lot of #MagicArena the last few months for various reasons, but decided to try some Standard decks to make a push to get some more prizes before the #MTGBRO Mastery Pass expires.
Tried Azorius Soldiers and Mono-Red and both are pretty fun. Low-to-the-ground aggro decks like Red always make me grit my teeth since they can so easily get outclassed as soon as turn 4, but it won against both Ninjas and Werewolves in the expected way.
#magicarena #mtgbro #magicthegathering
22nd place in the "German Sealed and Draft Championship", a 100+ player limited tournament in Maintal last weekend. Match results were 4:2:1. My 1st competitive REL Magic event since the pandemic. It was a good day, all my opponents were very friendly.
#mtg #limited #tournament #mtgbro
#mtg #limited #tournament #mtgbro
This one got close and was very fun. Tough draft, but excellent gameplay.
Pretty much my experience with #mtgbro
I want to also skip all the Phyrexia March of Machines stuff and get right to the new Eldraine and Ixalan. We did the whole invasion thing back in my day.
Back-to-back WR #mtgbro 🏆s.
One opponent's Siege Veteran and Titania's Command wasn't enough to beat a board full of common fliers.
(I love this game when I'm winning a lot... otherwise I just like it very, very much.)
I was having a bit of a rough spell, but my 50th #mtgbro draft was a clean 7–0 with nonstop attacking.
3 quick updates, as I've been all topsy-turvy lately:
1) Regarding #MagicTwentyFive, I'm pretty happy with the rules I've developed. However, now I have to face the fact that almost none of my current friends play Magic, so this may be as far as it goes.
2) I'm designing my first #MtGCommander deck for kicks, using Archelos, Lagoon Mystic, of all things. I'm clearly a sucker for punishment.
3) Got a box of #MtGBRO for Christmas! Anyone care to see the money cards I pulled?
#magictwentyfive #mtgcommander #mtgbro
Right after writing in the Limited Level-Ups Discord about how #mtgbro drafts have gotten harder to navigate over the last week, I go into a draft where this happens: