#MTGIntro seems like a cool idea.
Started Playing: 1994ish
Favorite format: Whatever lets me play with old cards.
Favorite card: Sinkhole
Playstyle: I like building decks around a theme. I had a black card/land denial deck. Green Red where the stone giants tossed flaming spiders at my opponent. White Red I hurt myself but I hurt you more.
MTG Arena Avatar: I’m not on Arena
MTG Intro
Started playing in 2008 // and again in 2018.
First Pre-Release: N/A
Favorite format: Commander
Favorite card: Pila-Pala (long story)
Playstyle: Jank/Junk Combo
Guild: Former - Izzet
Shard/Wedge: Mardu
Plane: Kamigawa or Ravnica
(depending on the most recent disaster)
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I will never not-run chaos cards when given the opportunity. Random effects keep the game lively – more Cascade and dice rolls!
#MTGINTRO #MagictheGathering #MTG
#mtgintro #magicthegathering #mtg
my MTG intro
Started playing in 2000-2003; 2016 -
First Pre-Release: Kaladesh
Favorite format: Standard, Explorer
Favorite card: Chandra in all iterations
Playstyles: RDW, BigRed, RedControl
Guild: MonoR
Shard/Wedge: MonoR
Plane: Kaladesh
MTGO/ARENA Avatar: Grandma Jaya
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I'm of the opinion that there are no bad red deck, there are only bad red deck players.
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtgarena #mtgintro
Let’s try this thing #mtgintro
Started playing: 2007
First prerelease: Dragon’s Maze. Horrible.
Favorite format: Modern & Commander
Favorite Card: Changes all the time
Playstyle: Blue control decks and dedicated control decks, but I’ll play everything
Psychographic: Spike
Guild: Azorius
Shard/wedge: Abzan
Plane: Lorwyn
Arena avatar: Karn, but I don’t play Arena anymore
Fun fact: I started playing with Future Sight, so I thought all Magic set were as complicated with as many different abilities
Started playing: 2010 with Duels of the Planeswalkers. 2014 with a proxied cube. 2018 with Dominaria prerelease.
First Prerelease: Dominaria
Favorite format: Booster draft
Favorite card: Arclight Phoenix is at least up there
Favorite play style: Pretty much anything, but I love control-style decks in Limited.
Guild: Simic
Shard/Wedge: Sultai
Plane: Kamigawa
Arena Avatar: Kaito Shizuki
Fun MTG Fact About Me: Met my girlfriend through Magic!
I saw others doing this so I'm gonna do it to.
My MTG intro...
Started playing: 1997
First Pre-Release: Torment
Favorite format: Silver Border Commander
Favorite card: My Guru Lands (my dad bought them special for me.)
Favorite play style: Enchantments
Guild: Selesnya
Shard/Wedge: WGB, but also RGW & WGU
Plane: Dominaria
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I'm friends with Mark Brill and he gifted me an original
MtG art Deadapult.
#mtgintro #mtgedh #magicthegathering #mtgsilverborder
Started Playing: 2001
First Prerelease: Mirrodin
Favorite Format: Commander
Favorite Card: Norin the Wary
Playstyle: Theme
Guild: Rakdos
Shard/Wedge: Grixis
Plane: Dominaria
Arena Avatar: Elesh Norn, Mother of Machines
MtG Fun Fact: Until #GladiatorMTGA I'd only ever played multiplayer kitchen table magic, biggest game I've been in had 13 people in it.
Why not?
Started Playing: 1996 (with a long gap)
First Prerelease: Throne of Eldraine
Favorite Format: Commander
Favorite Card: Rin and Seri, Inseperable (but god is that a hard call)
Playstyle: Go-wide, aggro, spellslinger, or stompy!
Guild: Selesnya
Shard/Wedge: Naya
Plane: Dominaria or Eldraine
Arena Avatar: Serra the Benevolent
MtG Fun Fact: I had a 15+ year hiatus from the game, and came back at Rivals of Ixalan... thanks to the MtG Arena Closed Beta!
#MTGIntro post:
Started playing in 1994 or 1995 or so - Revised. Then stopped in 2000, picked it back up in 2008 or so. Played a lot of pauper until Arena came online, since then have been mainly a draft player.
Favorite format: Draft
Favorite card: Pious Wayfarer
Favorite deck: mono-white aggro in THB draft.
MTGO/Arena avatar: Currently Aragorn. Tend to default to Fblthp.
This seems like a good enough thing to start with!
Started Playing: 2015
First Prerelease: Magic Origins
Favorite Format: Gladiator
Favorite Card: Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
Playstyle: I tend to prefer go-wide decks, usually refining netdecked lists
Guild: Simic
Shard/Wedge: Jund
Plane: Ikoria
Arena Avatar: Changes depending on recent set, usually Vannifar though
Fun MtG Fact: I chose my name a week before Mila was named in story and nobody believes me
#mtgintro #magicthegathering #mtgarena
Started: Friend got me into magic duels.
First pre-release: Strixhaven
Favourite Format: Historic Brawl (Really want to play multiplayer magic)
Favourite Card: Thousand Year Storm / Arcane Bombardment
Playstyle: Varied, trend towards control
Guild: Azorius
Shard / Wedge: Jeskai, sometimes Esper
Plane: Kaladesh
Arena Avatar: Karn or the Cloaked Figure
MtG Fan Fact: Started to learn python to generate draft boosters with cards only shared between my friends and I on arena.
My MTG intro...
Started playing: December 1994
First Pre-Release: I think I stopped playing paper magic before regular pre-release events took place
Favorite format: Draft
Favorite card: impossible to answer 😜
Playstyle: probably something with lifegain or prowess/magecraft
Guild: Orzhov :white: :black:
Shard/Wedge: I tend to stick to one or two colors max
Plane: maybe Kaldheim
MTGO/ARENA Avatar: Jaya Ballard (from the default avatars, not the newer from ONE)
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I was #21 in the German limited ranking once (when the list had about 65 entries)
#mtgintro #mtgarena #magicthegathering
MTG intro!
Started playing in 2002
First Pre-Release: Innistrad Crimson Vow
Favorite format: Cube
Favorite card: Flametongue Kavu
Playstyle: Aggro
Guild: Izzet
Shard/Wedge: Jeskai
Plane: Kamigawa
MTGO/ARENA Avatar: Chandra
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I played exclusivly kitchen table/schoolyard magic until 2018
#MTGINTRO #MTGArena #MagictheGathering #MTG
#mtgintro #mtgarena #magicthegathering #mtg
My first day on Mastodon, guess #mtgintro is a thing Started: Fallen Empires/Revised First Pre-release: Return to Ravnica Favorite format: Battlebond/Commander Favorite card: Pestilence Playstyle: Untap, Upkeep, Boardwipe Guild: Orzhov Shard/Wedge: Jund, Mardu Plane: Innistrad Arena avatar: Freyalise MtG fun fact: After getting my first dual land in 1994, a Taiga, I fell in love with the design of the cycle. I finally finished the collection of all 10 duals last year with Underground Sea
Keep seeing #MTGIntro as a thing on here...
Started playing:mid-May 2022, CLB release, did a draft box with some coworker friends and have been playing since.
First prerelease:The Standard set right after... DMU, I think?
First Limited *win*:I just punted my brother in a 4-player pod of MOM draft where I got 2 of Invasion of Vryn and a Chrome Host Seedshark to secure.
First Constructed *win*:Believe it or not, Magda works pretty good hiding in a Gruul deck too xD
oh is #MTGIntro a thing?
Started playing in: 2004
First Pre-Release: Dominaria United
Favorite format: Casual Commander
Favorite card: Cheatyface
Playstyle: big creatures and graveyard shenanigans
Guild: Selesnya
Shard/Wedge: Jund
Plane: Zendikar
Arena/MtGO avatar: N/A, only play paper
Fun MTG Fact About Me: i like to make custom cards! then i have them printed as actual playing cards. i've attached one here that i made for my wife, cos her favorite Korok is Oaki :3
Alright, guess a #mtgintro is appropriate
Started: 10th edition, followed by a large gap with a few sporadic bursts of playing until modern horizons 2
First Pre-release: zendikar rising
Favorite format: EDH/Commander
Favorite card: Wurmcoil Engine
Playstyle: uh...mana-screwd
Guild: Boros
Shard/Wedge: Grixis
Plane: Innistrad
Arena avatar: Kaya
MtG fun fact: I managed to bring myself to 0 using the effect of The One Ring during the LOTR prerelease to prevent my opponent from killing me 😎
Here's my #mtgintro
Started: A friend got me in right as Fifth Dawn came out
First pre-release: M11, did the release and pulled a Lilliana and didn't know what a Planeswalker is
Favorite format: Commander/Highlander
Favorite Card: Doomed Traveler
Playstyle: Mid and Aristocrats
Guild: Orzhov
Shard/Wedge: Naya and Abzan
Arena/MtGO Avatar: constantly changing
MtG fan fact: I sold my last collection to buy a TV and PS4 to play Destiny
Let's try one of these #mtgintro
Started: 1994 with Revised
First pre-release: No idea
Favorite format: Commander/EDH
Favorite Card: Hypnotic Specter
Playstyle: Control
Guild: Azorius
Shard/Wedge: Esper
Plane: Ravnica
Arena/MtGO Avatar: Jaya
MtG fan fact: I've stopped playing magic twice because I didn't like what they did with the story
#mtgintro why not
Started playing in: 7th Ed? With frequent breaks
First Pre-Release: Not until SOM
Favorite format: Sealed
Favorite card: Squirrel Nest
Playstyle: D-Tier Meme Tribal
Guild: Selesnya
Shard/Wedge: Alara
Plane: Serra's Realm
Arena/MtGO Avatar: Ajani
Fun MTG Fact About Me: I could name the cards that were in my first booster pack, from Odyssey.
#MTG #MagicTheGathering
#mtgintro #mtg #magicthegathering