Zeit für neue #MtgArenaStats, dieses Mal für #MTGLTR.
Wieder fast alles ein bisschen mehr als im vorangegangenen Set und vor allem wieder ein höherer Rang in Limited als Constructed. Draften hat wieder deutlich mehr Spaß gemacht. Ein bisschen wundert mich, dass Rot meine am häufigsten gespielte Farbe war. Aber gut, ist dann wohl so. 😉
#MTGArenaStats #mtgltr #magicthegathering #mtgde
I’m hoping to play more than this during Wilds of Eldraine. I should at least be able to make silver in limited, and hopefully will find some standard decks I enjoy.
Interesting that I’m still in the top half of (effectively) the most active players with these numbers.
#magicthegathering #mtgarena #mtgltr #mtgwoe
Statt #BaldursGate3 einen #MTGLTR Quick Draft auf #MTGArena zu zocken, war eine gute Entscheidung. Mit nem Rakdos Deck die dritte Trophy in Folge (7:2) und von Gold 3 auf Platin 4 aufgestiegen, was will man mehr? 😀
Limited Winrate in dem Set liegt bei 70% 🤘
#mtgde @mtgde
#baldursgate3 #mtgltr #mtgarena #mtgde
This deck just got me to diamond in a hurry. Just multiple absurd bombs…
7-2. Losses were due to admittedly dubious keeps.
#mtglimited #mtgltr #mtga #mtgarena #mtg #magicthegathering
Another successful draft night in the books! Great weather for a patio draft tonight. We did LOTR, and I ended up in a fairly medium RW Aggro deck with a lot of ring tempting.
Vs. UR Tempt: 2-0
Vs UB Control: 1-2 (close ones though!)
Vs WBR Removal Pile: 2-0
Nice way to spend my afternoon with friends and cardboard.
#magicthegathering #mtg #mtgltr #mtglimited
New #LOTR #LordOfTheRings themed #MTG #MagicTheGathering set (#MTGLTR) looks real different than I expected!
I guess they're continuing to push the bounds of what they're willing to do with new frame treatments 🤔 🤔 🤔
#lotr #lordoftherings #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgltr
Starting up the weekly magic stream! Gonna rattle off a few LOTR drafts, and try to defend my Peeps N' Keeps title. Head on over and chill!
#twitch #streaming #magicthegathering #mtgltr #mtglimited
Nice draft night tonight! Got to play up on the patio tonight and the weather was great. Found my way into a fun WB Tokems deck feat. Bowmasters and got to do some silly things.
Vs UR Tempt: 2-0
Vs UR Tempo: 0-2 (Eomer ran me over!)
Vs WU Humans: 2-0
Drew a bit poorly rd2, but my buddy’s deck lined up nicely against mine regardless and he took the finals! Fun, food, and friends for a nice night.
#magicthegathering #mtg #mtglimited #mtgltr
Won the streamer draft tournament I’ve been playing in for the 1st time in like a year.
Forced my way into a Blue-Black ring temptation deck that mostly got there off of having my removal line up well. Black Breath did a lot of heavy lifting.
Feels good! #MagicTheGathering #MTG #MTGLimited #MTGLTR
#magicthegathering #mtg #mtglimited #mtgltr
Two #mtgltr drafts tonight. The BR deck looked great, but my opponents' decks were busted and it all came together for them. The WR deck looked worse, but it did the work.
I went back to look at the decks. Was I wrong in my assessment? Or was it bad and then good luck?
But... flavor-wise, the BR deck was all over the place: Gollum, orcs, dwarves, humans... narrative chaos.
The WR deck's flavor was 100% Gondor and Rohan coming together to make a stand.
Of course it worked :)
#MagicTheGathering #MTGLimited #MTGA #MTGxLOTR #MTGLTR
My first trophy in best-of-three. Pretty straightforward aggro deck with some extra card draw. Dawn of a New Age was okay once, poor once, and I ended up siding it out when I was on the draw because it's not something you want to play when you're trading creatures away. Opposition in general felt pretty soft.
17lands draft: https://www.17lands.com/draft/1653a345aa834390bc557d11938b056f
17lands details: https://www.17lands.com/details/1653a345aa834390bc557d11938b056f
#magicthegathering #mtglimited #mtga #mtgxlotr #mtgltr
I beat an opposing Horn of Gondor, Andúril, and Éowyn while I was stuck on three mountains and no swamps.
The Black Breath off a treasure and double Book of Mazarbul did everything I asked off them.
Had a nice draft night tonight! Ended up in a turbo-temp UB deck, and it definitely did the thing!
Vs BR Midrange: 2-0
Vs BG Temp: 2-1 (majorly punted this one away 😅)
Vs RW Humans Aggro: 2-1
Was nice to chill with friends on a patio, have a brew/burger, and sling some spells!
#magicthegathering #mtg #mtgltr #mtglimited
Back with another weekly draft stream! Gonna be doing some LOTR Bo1 Drafts, and the Peeps n' Keeps streamer tournament! Come hang out!
#MagicTheGathering #MTG #MTGLimited #MTGLTR #Twitch #streaming
#magicthegathering #mtg #mtglimited #mtgltr #twitch #streaming
#MagicTheGathering #MTGLimited #MTGxLOTR #MTGLTR
My first actual trophy in the format (I was away for a week plus just after release). And it's four-color green with a first-pick Aragorn! With mostly green spells in the deck, Aragorn finished games VERY quickly once he hit (and he didn't get removed once, which was my fear). I think the opposition was fairly soft.
17lands draft: https://www.17lands.com/draft/b081a2d548004e1591e88decdc803d9c
17lands details: https://www.17lands.com/details/b081a2d548004e1591e88decdc803d9c
#magicthegathering #mtglimited #mtgxlotr #mtgltr
So I know folks have been saying not to draft green, but sometimes you have to. #MTGLTR
Finally got another trophy in #MTGLTR with a sweet WB pile of good stuff plus Faramir. Wow that card is broken lol.
Just feels backbreaking when you’re on the other end of it.
Great Hall is Great Fixing :)
#mtg #magicthegathering #magicarena #mtgltr