Way back when, at the birdsite, is when I started doing the Big Ben thing; 10, 12 years, at least. I know I was doing it when I was running tournaments on , so at least that long. I don't remember exactly.

I didn't add hashtags until soon after I got here (), and didn't stop tagging Big Ben until just a few months ago.

Boosting the Big Ben post has always been a habit, to show what I'm responding to.

Habits can change.

#mtgo #hephalumpworld #theartofshitposting

Last updated 1 year ago

Anκž‡Γ³in Γ“ B. · @barcode
21 followers · 297 posts · Server mastodon.ie

In comparing how I can stretch an "almost €0" budget for Magic the Gathering and feel out how I enjoy playing the game I'm trying it's original cardboard format, MTG Online (the first digital adaptation with purchasable cards) and MTG Arena (the more recent one that unlike MTGO has mobile game design conventions as far as the eye can see).

The other obvious-to-try one would be proxies but I don't have a regular playgroup. No-go for now.

, ,

#mtg #mtgo #mtga

Last updated 1 year ago

If ya really want to deep dive, and I don't recommend it, I maintained a "poetry" and blog that went to hell soon after the second deportation, and I migrated it to Twitter, where I honed my brevity.

This blog was/is called Read At Your Peril for a reason.

I'm not gonna just give it to you, I'ma make you work for it. Because I really want you to think about it. It's not pretty. Trust me.


Last updated 1 year ago

In case you missed it, the following cards were banned in Standard (effective tomorrow on and today on Tabletop and ):

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
Invoke Despair
Reckoner Bankbuster


The article ends with: "We will have our first yearly banned and restricted announcement on August 7, 2023, ahead of Wilds of Eldraine previews."

#mtga #mtgo

Last updated 1 year ago

· @Brackmeister
160 followers · 1981 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

In case you missed it, the following cards were banned in Standard (effective tomorrow on and today on Tabletop and ):

Fable of the Mirror-Breaker // Reflection of Kiki-Jiki
Invoke Despair
Reckoner Bankbuster


The article ends with: "We will have our first yearly banned and restricted announcement on August 7, 2023, ahead of Wilds of Eldraine previews."

#mtgo #mtga

Last updated 1 year ago

Skofrec · @skofrec
20 followers · 37 posts · Server universeodon.com

Playing on if anyone is interested in joining!


#pauper #mtgo #mtg #Twitch

Last updated 2 years ago

Skofrec · @skofrec
20 followers · 37 posts · Server universeodon.com

Just went 2-1 in a phantom draft in . It felt fantastic to finally see all the time I've invested into limited paying off finally.

#mtgo #mtg #limited

Last updated 2 years ago

Jens IMOUT · @stormcauldron
15 followers · 54 posts · Server mas.to

I’m on the job hunt so stuff is rough, but I built a bunch of sweet micro scale spaceships.
Then I got my second 5-0 in the pioneer league playing my own goblins brew.
Final thing, I went to play at the local weekend school with my son, who is 3 years old. He didn’t have a clue but we all had a good time.

So very thankful!

#rugby #magicthegathering #mtgo #lego

Last updated 2 years ago

Jens IMOUT · @stormcauldron
15 followers · 56 posts · Server mas.to

pioneer 5-0 league with Goblins. This deck is real, been grinding equal-to-positive all month now.
Greasefang πŸ€ πŸ‘Ή πŸ‘Ή
Greasefang πŸ‘Ή πŸ€ πŸ‘Ή
Greasefang πŸ‘Ή πŸ€ πŸ‘Ή
UW control πŸ‘Ή πŸ‘Ή
UR creativity πŸ‘Ή πŸ› πŸ‘Ή

#mtgo #magicthegathering

Last updated 2 years ago

Ach! Hans, run!

The greatest flavor text of all time, IMO.

I'm long out of the MTG/O loop these days. Is the Modern format still a thing?

#lhurgoyf #trex #Tyrannosaurus #magicthegathering #mtg #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

MassivelyOP · @massivelyop
178 followers · 203 posts · Server mastodon.social

Magic The Gathering Online releases Phyrexia All Will Be One expansion, says there’s been no data breach massivelyop.com/2023/02/13/mag

#mtgo #magiconline

Last updated 2 years ago

Wile Entertainment Coyote · @tomscud
40 followers · 473 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Easily the most aggressive limited sealed deck I've ever run, with a great rare bomb, a near-bomb in venerated rotpriest, and some green mana fixing to let me play three colors comfortably. Cankerbloom and Annex Sentry are uncommons that play like rares.

This win was just brutal and felt like playing a constructed deck against a limited deck: 17lands.com/history/10adc6629c

17lands deets here: 17lands.com/details/10adc6629c

#magicthegathering #mtgo #mtglimited #mtgone

Last updated 2 years ago

dave78pdx · @dave78pdx
64 followers · 150 posts · Server pdx.social

I find it funny that I’m playing more Standard on than I ever played in paper or . Genuinely enjoying it, too.

#mtgarena #mtg #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

🀣 No, it's not "State TV." My German is simply not enough up to snuff to enjoy it.

We have Netflix. She watches it a lot. I don't. (because she's usually on it) Netflix does show us different stuff depending if we go in direct or VPN.

Also, there's only so much there that I have interest in.

I've been a pirate πŸ΄β€β˜ οΈ since long before you met me. (is still a thing?) That's not gonna change just because I have Netflix.


Last updated 2 years ago

Tabby Lavalamp · @tabbylavalamp
84 followers · 810 posts · Server octodon.social

When first came up with , bonuses would include redeemable codes for cards you could play in and cosmetic codes for lands and sleeves for .

At some point they stopped with the card codes and the Arena land codes and just gave you the codes for sleeves.

I was just on Arena to redeem my codes for a Lair that's on its way (I like to wait until they ship because once you redeem it could cause refund issues) and I saw them selling sleeves for the current Secret Lair and it doesn't look like you get them as a bonus when you buy the Lair itself.

Honestly, it bothered me more to lose the card redemptions. I have more sleeve styles than I need but it's still BS. I'm not normally on the "Wizards are greedy" bandwagon because I understand how the stock market and its hunger for eternal growth has broken the world, but this is greedy. I don't mind the sleeves being sold to people who didn't get the Secret Lairs, but making people pay separately now for what they once got as part of a purchase they were already making is just too much.

#wotc #SecretLair #magiconline #magicarena #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

Sinistar7510 · @Sinistar7510
53 followers · 368 posts · Server vmst.io

What Magic the Gathering related hashtags have you come across?

I've seen:

(I know...)

I have not seen:

But all seem like reasonable hashtags to use.

Did I miss anything? Any suggestions?

#magicthegathering #mtgarena #mtga #mtg #mtglimited #mtgdraft #mtgedh #mtgo #vrothos #mtgcardalters #mtgstandard #mtgpioneer #mtglegacy #mtgvintage

Last updated 2 years ago

Jenara19 · @jenara19
6 followers · 2824 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @HollyMacaroni01@twitter.com

Hace un mes llegΓ³ a y con ello, no ha cambiado... ΒΏnada?.

Resumen de los ΓΊltimos 7 Challenges + 1 SPTQ de . Decks del Top32 y Top8

Listas y detalles mΓ‘s adelante en el hilo πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/HollyMacaroni01/st

#dominariaunited #pioneer #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

Jenara19 · @jenara19
6 followers · 2824 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @makuto86mtg@twitter.com

We continue deepening into Pioneer. Today we try the Mono W 75 from qbturtle15, trophy leader on MTGO Pioneer leagues.

Mono White Humans vs Izzet Murktide


Sideboarding was challenging, we had some learnings, how'd you sideboard?

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/makuto86mtg/status

#pioneer #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago

Jenara19 · @jenara19
6 followers · 2824 posts · Server mastodon.social

RT @makuto86mtg@twitter.com

Gruul has entered with haste into Pioneer!

Join us challenging it piloting RB Midrange.

RB Midrange vs Gruul Aggro


Thanks @_mRichi_@twitter.com for the games!

πŸ¦πŸ”—: twitter.com/makuto86mtg/status

#pioneer #rbmidrange #gruulaggro #mtgo

Last updated 2 years ago