@Dunstable@mtg.garden @Dunstable@mstdn.ca I need there to be no new interesting sets until my wallet recovers from #MTGxLOTR :blobfoxcrylaugh:
@Eamon1916 awesome! I’m having so much fun with #MTGxLOTR :) have a blast at the con!!
In corso a Barcellona, il Pro Tour Lord of the Rings di Magic. In palio 500 mila dollari in premi e gli inviti per il World Championships. 184 mila spettatori in diretta.
#esports #MCBarcelona #MTGxLOTR
#esports #mcbarcelona #mtgxlotr
#MagicTheGathering #MTGLimited #MTGA #MTGxLOTR #MTGLTR
My first trophy in best-of-three. Pretty straightforward aggro deck with some extra card draw. Dawn of a New Age was okay once, poor once, and I ended up siding it out when I was on the draw because it's not something you want to play when you're trading creatures away. Opposition in general felt pretty soft.
17lands draft: https://www.17lands.com/draft/1653a345aa834390bc557d11938b056f
17lands details: https://www.17lands.com/details/1653a345aa834390bc557d11938b056f
#magicthegathering #mtglimited #mtga #mtgxlotr #mtgltr
Saryth, The Viper's Fang and Selvala, Heart of the Wilds can go infinite (mana) with Ioreth of the Healing House in the mix. Not super efficient, but the cards feel closely grouped enough that I suspect they might fit well together in the right Simic+ deck to begin with, making it a potential bonus infinite combo you can hide inside a more flexible deck strategy. I always prefer an infinite combo in a deck that can still win without it. "Combo or bust" is too brittle.
Saryth, The Viper's Fang: https://scryfall.com/card/mid/197/saryth-the-vipers-fang
Selvala, Heart of the Wilds:
Ioreth of the Healing House:
#mtg #magicthegathering #mtgxlotr
These #mtgxlotr cards are quite good in eternal formats.
Played with Samwise, the Stouthearted, Orcish Bowmasters and Sauron's Ransom in 1 legacy deck and got all the tempting value!!!
Cheap interactive spells and flash threats = happy legacy players!
#mtg #magicthegathering #MTGLegacy
#mtgxlotr #mtg #magicthegathering #mtglegacy
#MagicTheGathering #MTGLimited #MTGxLOTR #MTGLTR
My first actual trophy in the format (I was away for a week plus just after release). And it's four-color green with a first-pick Aragorn! With mostly green spells in the deck, Aragorn finished games VERY quickly once he hit (and he didn't get removed once, which was my fear). I think the opposition was fairly soft.
17lands draft: https://www.17lands.com/draft/b081a2d548004e1591e88decdc803d9c
17lands details: https://www.17lands.com/details/b081a2d548004e1591e88decdc803d9c
#magicthegathering #mtglimited #mtgxlotr #mtgltr
So had a blast playing the #MagicTheGathering #MTGxLOTR #Commander decks last night. We rolled to see what deck everyone got. None of us knew the decklists. It was great just playing the decks blind as you didn't know what cards you were going to get. Going to run it back next time with the alternate commanders.
#magicthegathering #mtgxlotr #commander
New favorite #mtgcommander - AMASS ORCS!
(Basically every time I cast any non-creature card, I get to create orcs equal to the cost)
#mtgcommander #mtg #magicthegathering #mtgxlotr
Finally get to play the #MagicTheGathering #MtGxLOTR #Commander precons tonight
#magicthegathering #mtgxlotr #commander
If you play this card, you only get to put the creature onto the battlefield if you say "Mellon"
Who doesn’t like to open one of these in sealed? #magicthegathering #mtgxlotr
I'm quite amused by some of the flavour mismatches that come out of #MTGxLOTR
I'm frequently handing the Ring to Ashnod, which just seems like a terrible terrible idea.
What amusing situations have people found themselves in?
One thing that i love in :PridePlaneswalker: #MtGxLOTR is the flavor Sauron the Dark lords final ability.
Specifically because sauron only has 4 fingers on his ring hand. Hence 4 cards. (In the book gollum specifically sees Sauron's maimed hands in his reincarnated formm)
Now in the art brief for the set clearly shows sauron having 3 mising fingers, since they took a cue from the Jackson films' cutting of the ring (it's a good scene), wheras in the book the ring is cut off saurons corpse.
Looks like #WotC is doing a player survey on #MTGxLOTR if you want to tell them how you felt about it.
#wotc #mtgxlotr #magicthegathering
Got these cool frames for some fun #MTGxLOTR card pulls!
#mtgxlotr #mtg #magicthegathering