Ich war gerade in RJX 64 von #MFL nach #MTS. #nowträwellingohneträwelling
#mfl #mts #nowtrawellingohnetrawelling
Estação #Alges está pronta para a nova linha #3701 da #CarrisMetropolitana até #Almada desde amanhã. A linha vai até #CovadePiedade onde tem conexões até #CostadeCaparica, o #MTS até Corroios e mais autocarros locais potencialmente relevantes.
#alges #carrismetropolitana #almada #covadepiedade #costadecaparica #mts
Mit dem letzten Zug in diesem Jahr gehts zurück nach #MTS (@ BRB RB53 ➜ Traunstein) #NowTräwelling https://traewelling.de/status/683541
@ramsey @michaelwitwicki Mine is quite short actually:
1976 edit on #MTS mainframe OS
1980 #vi on #Unix v7 and later #BSD Unix
1984 #emacs on BSD Unix
1989 some #SunOS graphical editor (cannot remember which)
1992 vi on Linux
1997 #eclipse (short period: hated it) on Linux
1997 emacs on Linux
2019 emacs + #evil on Linux
plus some non-memorable ones on other random operating systems (MS-DOS, RSTS/E, Atari ST, ...).
#evil #Eclipse #sunos #emacs #bsd #unix #vi #mts
RT @NiiloSimojoki
Fresh #MTS -survey out in 🇫🇮:
- 83 % prepared to defend the country with arms in all circumstances
- 85 % support #NATO membership
- 89 % trust Defence Forces' capability against aggression
- 82 % want to keep conscription
- 87% see 🇷🇺as main sorce on insecurity
#turpo #Finland
RT @NiiloSimojoki
Fresh #MTS -survey out in 🇫🇮:
- 83 % prepared to defend the country with arms in all circumstances
- 85 % support #NATO membership
- 89 % trust Defence Forces' capability against aggression
- 82 % want to keep conscription
- 87% see 🇷🇺as main sorce on insecurity
#turpo #Finland
This is one of my favorite summer #wildflower #photos taken while #hiking the #MTS trail near Mount Mitchell in North Carolina (USA).
A Blue Swallowtail #buttterfly perched on a a Crimson Beebalm #flower.
#wildflower #photos #hiking #mts #buttterfly #flower
Omg.....aeltere (Ost)deutsche Jahrgaenge aufgepasst. Kennt wer noch #MTS? 😅