🎧 #Mood | #80s #British #Songs | "Space Age Love Song" (1982/3) by #AFlockOfSeagulls got an HD upgrade last year.
Watching it, thought: "#MTVaf!"
#UK #britain #newwave #synthpop #Music #mtvaf #aflockofseagulls #songs #british #80s #mood
🎧 YT cued up "Sunglasses at Night" and for a sec I thought it was "Future's so bright I gotta wear shades." Nope. I watched a minute and was about to post, "If I ever post this #CoreyHart song, I've been hacked or kidnapped or both!" but I just tooted that about "Africa" by #Toto. 🤷♂️
Instead, I'll just say this video, everything about it—the music, styling, theme, attitude (fake drama) is an object lesson in early #80s music videos. It's 1984 #MTVaf!
#Music #mtvaf #80s #toto #coreyhart