While I use some in-#Emacs tools (e.g. #mastodonEl, #mu4e, #EXWM of course, #magit, etc.), I find #jabberEl pretty outdated compared to modern #Jabber clients like #Dino, #Gajim or #Profanity. And #eww feels very slow compared to #Firefox 🙁 (C-x 8 RET SLIGHTLY FROWNING FACE RET).
#firefox #eww #profanity #gajim #dino #jabber #JabberEl #magit #exwm #mu4e #mastodonel #emacs
Show off time , fellas :)
#linux #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensource
Updating mail in #emacs #mu4e :) ..manually ..otherwise it runs in the background and updates itself...
#linux #linuxadmin #sysadmin #opensource #emacs #mu4e
My biggest reason for switching is that #Protonmail doesn't use proper IMAP servers. They have something more secure, but working with those servers in the past hsa been a HUGE pain for me. It's also kept me from using my favorite email client, #mu4e on #Emacs.
#Fastmail *does* have plain-old IMAP and SMTP servers, so setting up a fat email client was a breeze :-)
#protonmail #mu4e #emacs #fastmail
@mob I have my #orgmode files stored on a cloud volume. On my iPad, I use beorg https://beorgapp.com and Plain Org https://plainorg.com. For noting Web sites, etc., I use Apple's native “Reading List” feature, and I have a small script to convert the Reading List to an Org file once in a which, which I then work through.
For me, the most important aspect is really integration with e-mail (#mu4e); it's essentially this approach: https://pragmaticemacs.wordpress.com/2015/12/17/master-your-inbox-with-mu4e-and-org-mode/.
@xenodium Hi!
I just had a silly idea in System Crafters chat: Somebody (maybe you?) ought to create a package which hooks chatgpt-shell to talk to mu4e and auto-generate and send emails as replies to a list of email addresses you don't feel like dealing with. 😀
#emacs #mu4e #chatgpt #package
@BigEatie I'm using #mu4e which has the function `mu4e-action-view-in-browser`that opens the message in the default browser. Works great for my use. And I use org-msg, which allows me do write in #orgmode, and the email is sent as html. See https://github.com/doomemacs/doomemacs/blob/master/modules/email/mu4e/config.el for an example configuration.
A while ago I had to use a Windows machine at work, and of course the first thing I did was install #Emacs on it. Most things worked surprisingly well, but I couldn't get #Mu4e to work. I also tried #NotMuch and #Mew, but I also failed to either install them or compile them.
At the end I tried #Gnus, and everything worked out of the box. I didn't even need to install any GNU utility.
Gnus is not the prettiest, and its terminology and configuration is confusing. But it is incredibly versatile.
It has worked very nicely as an Email email client, specially to manage mailing lists. But now I also use it for things like Reddit and Hackernews.
What are your experiences with Emacs mail clients under Windows? Is anyone using something other than Gnus?
#emacs #mu4e #notmuch #mew #gnus
Quick mu4e notes
The bear dances! And it dances … pretty good?
#mu4e #emacs #email #mu
Extending the plaintext CRM to mail contacts
Added a little automation to contacts.org with a function that auto-populates a message buffer in mu4e.
#orgmode #emacs #PlainTextCRM #mu4e
#orgmode #emacs #plaintextcrm #mu4e
Succumbed to mu.
This had to happen eventually.
#emacs #mu #OfflineImap #mail #mutt #mu4e
#emacs #mu #offlineimap #mail #mutt #mu4e
For the nostalgic like me willing to bring back how #Mu4e dealt with the modeline in 1.8, Mu4e 1.10.2 ships a customisable variable that permits disabling the global modeline segments, leaving only the items displayed in the headers buffer when mu4e-modeline-mode is enabled 😊 #emacs
@remi I do all my coding on #linux. I even requested a linux box just to #ssh from for #wfh because It Just Works Better.
I used to use #Thunderbird from Linux but I've gotten to a position where I need to be more integrated with #Outlook users, use more #Office products AND have less time to fiddle with things to make them work. I doubt #mu4e would be less work...
#linux #ssh #wfh #thunderbird #outlook #office #mu4e
I don't think you can make Outlook use an external editor, nor do I think you'd want to really.
If you want to stay in #emacs, I'd suggest trying to setup #mu4e. I can offer no advice as to how easy or difficult this may be but I've heard of folks using it and enjoying it. This would integrate your mail and Emacs together in a fashion.
However, depending on how ELSE you use Outlook and whether you have much control over the server, there's a lot of things like meeting scheduling and such that I'm not entirely sure will migrate to Emacs. So your mileage may vary.
My personal usage is just code, some project management, and organizational items. I don't try to cram everything into Emacs.
@natty @rq Last I tried, #Thunderbird & #Evolution both had fairly decent #caldav support (Evolution also has uniquely good support for MS Exchange's nonsense).
#Claws' isn't as good.
There's other #OrgMode agenda + mail stuff for caldav around but I haven't tried it.
As far as #email goes, #mu4e in #Emacs is still quite fine to me.
#thunderbird #evolution #caldav #claws #orgmode #email #mu4e #emacs
@alfredohno If there's a #MailingList or something, it might be usable.
I've taken to downloading the #mbox archives of projects, converting them to #maildir and shoving them in #mu so that I can search them with #mu4e more usably.
#mailinglist #mbox #maildir #mu #mu4e
@futurebird @Jirikiha You might be able to build something with #Lucene (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apache_Lucene#Lucene-based_projects) or, for a much more lightweight option, with #Xapian (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xapian).
You'd still have to build something yourself from those though. For Xapian, looking at the source for #mu4e and #mu would probably be usable as a decent example (https://www.djcbsoftware.nl/code/mu/).
You'd also need to figure out some way to feed data exports from those into it.
All of my suggestions are #FreeSoftware & gratis.
#freesoftware #lucene #xapian #mu4e #mu
I have next week off from teaching so among other things, I'll have some time for my own projects. I've been thinking of moving my email workflow to #emacs with #mu4e and also would very much like to host my own #nextcloud instance.
I'll tackle the option with more votes next. Most likely the other will have to wait till Easter holidays.