CBS News. The NY Lottery Multiplier commercials are the best part of the morning-
Oh. Oh no. #MuchMoarCoffee
CBS News. Pope Francis hospitalized.
*Drinks coffee*
As a Polish American, yes, I really liked Pope John Paul II.
*Has more coffee*
They put a Jesuit in charge and he continues to piss of the right people. He's my new favorite. #MuchMoarCoffee
Me chasing down all of a developer's accounts and plugins and sock puppets.
Someone besides me is going to have a bad day. #MuchMoarCoffee
Well. That’s not good. #MuchMoarCoffee
Nor'easter to bring rain, heavy winds and maybe a little snow to NYC
The storm could bring coastal flooding and a potential coating of snow, with heavier snow predicted north of the city.
@andyfragen I’m glad you never caught it! I was confirmed with it in June last year and it was mild. Thankfully.
It still sucked wind loudly. I was already fully vaccinated and AFAIK suffer no after effects.
‘Course the coffee consumption went way up but that’s probably just me… #MuchMoarCoffee
He was going “to Fort Lauderdale” so their IS a Florida connection. #MuchMoarCoffee #RSSFeed
New Jersey Man Tried to Fly With AR-15 and Fake U.S. Marshal Badge: TSA
CNN. There is no divide in the GOP about Ukraine support.
As long as they believe it will hurt Democrats then the GOP is all for it. And that does not matter if they are against the interests of the U.S. at all. Putin supporters included. #MuchMoarCoffee
The thing I like about Tulsi Gabbard is her thoughtful and contemplative approach to her making public statements.
HA! Just kidding. She’s bat s*** crazy. She claims “diversity” is just like and as bad a what the Nazis did. #GodwinsLawMuch #RSSFeed #MuchMoarCoffee
Gabbard: Biden's Diversity Policies Are Just Like Hitler - Joe.My.God.
#godwinslawmuch #rssfeed #muchmoarcoffee
CNN. Smerconish is talking about incels.
What? People complain when I scream at the TV. The Baileys is "medicinal". #MuchMoarCoffee
NOTE TO SELF: refrain from belching in the office that you share with your wife. Again.
That is all. #MuchMoarCoffee
CBS News. It's February 14th. In Long Island, NY.
High of 64° F? OK then. #MuchMoarCoffee
It really isn't.
Mark my words, AI will be seen as the NFT for 2023. All hype, little delivery. #MuchMoarCoffee
How AI is making Microsoft cool
The giant is banking that AI can boost flagging products like Bing and reinvigorate core franchises like Office.
CBS News. The Italian rock band Måneskin is up for best new band.
*Drinks coffee*
New? #MuchMoarCoffee
CBS News. It turns out that MSG issues _may_ be rooted in anti-Chinese racism.
Ya think? #MuchMoarCoffee
CNN. Source says Idaho suspect identified with the help of genetic genealogy.
If that's true and a 3rd party commercial genealogy site provided that data, that could be *does air quotes* "problematic". #OhBoy #MuchMoarCoffee
@aardvarksagus Google _probably_ has the best privacy. Probably. They know what's at stake and their liability.
Ring has... a questionable record there. It's Amazon and when they get it wrong, WOW do they.
Anker is right now being the poster child for how not to handle user privacy concerns. Someone, somewhere is going to sue the heck out of them for cause. #MuchMoarCoffee