If you want to read the Ice Miller study on #farefreetransit in #Columbus #Ohio, here's the #MuckRock link for the documents: https://www.muckrock.com/foi/columbus-323/cota-free-fares-report-135069/#file-1061045
#farefreetransit #columbus #Ohio #muckrock
It’s time once again: Share your transparency horror story with a nomination to The Foilies 2023
The Electronic Frontier Foundation and #MuckRock partner once again to highlight what not to do when you work for the public
📬Füllhorn der Überwachung: Firma verkauft Kameras in Grabsteinen📬 https://tarnkappe.info/fuellhorn-der-ueberwachung-firma-verkauft-kameras-in-grabsteinen/ #SpecialServicesGroup #OpenTheGovernment #Überwachung #MuckRock #Artikel #FBI
#muckrock #SpecialServicesGroup #OpenTheGovernment #überwachung #artikel #fbi