...but Gari had fun.
(until he had to take a bath after the walk :mastozany: )
#dogsofmastoson #fedidogs #dogwalk #mudbath #hunderunde #hunderundentröt #playtime #schlammbad
#Schlammbad #playtime #hunderundentröt #hunderunde #mudBath #dogwalk #fedidogs #dogsofmastoson
After-dog-walk-décor. :mastorofl:
#dogwalk #mudbath #dogsofmastoson #fedidogs #hunderunde #hunderundentröt #schlammbad
#Schlammbad #hunderundentröt #hunderunde #fedidogs #dogsofmastoson #mudBath #dogwalk
Indeed we cannot overstate enough the importance of green spaces, including private #greenSpace and large #trees on #publicHealth generally, including #mentalHealth.
Taking walks amongst #largeTrees and spending time at naturally occuring #mudBath retreats can (and was) prescribed by #doctors in the past century.
We know someone who's life benefitted greatly from at least one trip to such a #retreat.
#greenSpace #trees #publichealth #mentalhealth #largeTrees #mudBath #doctors #retreat #minerals