Oh Mr. Herman, where are you now?
Don't you know I need your sound?
#fediradio #MorningEarworm #mudhoney
Where Did the Word 'Grunge' Come From? #2023_07_17 #loudwire #lauryn_schaffner #news #rock #alice_in_chains #mudhoney #nirvana #pearl_jam #soundgarden
#2023_07_17 #loudwire #lauryn_schaffner #news #rock #alice_in_chains #mudhoney #nirvana #pearl_jam #soundgarden
E ora a noi due Steve
#Mudhoney - Kiss Me I’m sick
#alternativerock #grunge #HashtagGames #kissingsongs #mudhoney
Well this is cool. And they called the machine “mudhoney” https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/machine-is-done-digging-seattles-huge-sewage-and-stormwater-tunnel/?amp=1 #seattle #civilEngineering #mudHoney #fremont
#seattle #civilengineering #mudhoney #fremont
The first one was named after Seattle's first female mayor, Bertha.
#MudHoney tunnel boring machine finishes Seattle stormwater dig | king5.com
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #AmadeusPaulussen #RootsManuva #SvenRånlund #RichardLloyd #GratefulDead #Ludicra #Mudhoney #TriumCirculorum #ATribeCalledQuest #DeadBoys #FfaCoffiPawb #GiantSand #Polylith #ElvisCostello #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#amadeuspaulussen #rootsmanuva #svenranlund #richardlloyd #gratefuldead #ludicra #mudhoney #triumcirculorum #atribecalledquest #deadboys #ffacoffipawb #giantsand #polylith #elviscostello #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
Shawn Brown Discusses His “Road of Bones” Single and New Album ‘The Rain Parade’ #2023_06_22 #v13 #v13_staff #folk #interviews #music #country #folk #interview #mudhoney
#2023_06_22 #v13 #v13_staff #folk #interviews #music #country #interview #mudhoney
Book Review: Mud Ride By MUDHONEY's STEVE TURNER #2023_06_13 #metal_injection #j_andrew #reviews #mudhoney #steve_turner
>> https://metalinjection.net/reviews/book-review-mud-ride-by-mudhoneys-steve-turner
#2023_06_13 #metal_injection #j_andrew #reviews #mudhoney #steve_turner
Steve Turner sur l'évolution du grunge
Le guitariste et co-auteur de "Mud Ride: A Messy Trip Through the Grunge Explosion" parle de Kurt Cobain, Seattle, et de 35 ans avec son groupe #Mudhoney
Mudhoney’s Steve Turner Comes Clean in Mud Ride: A Messy Trip Through The Grunge Explosion #2023_06_13 #spin #brad_cohan #read_me #mudhoney #steve_turner
>> https://www.spin.com/2023/06/mudhoneys-steve-turner-comes-clean-in-new-memoir/
#2023_06_13 #spin #brad_cohan #read_me #mudhoney #steve_turner
New arrival today: Mud Ride: A Messy Trip Through the Grunge Explosion by Steve Turner.
You can read an excerpt here: https://www.decibelmagazine.com/2023/06/12/exclusive-read-an-excerpt-from-mud-ride-a-messy-trip-through-the-grunge-explosion/
#mudhoney #steveturner #grunge
New arrival today: Mud Ride: A Messy Trip Through the Grunge Explosion by Steve Turner.
You can read an excerpt here: https://www.decibelmagazine.com/2023/06/12/exclusive-read-an-excerpt-from-mud-ride-a-messy-trip-through-the-grunge-explosion/
#mudhoney #steveturner #grunge
#Mudhoney - Suck Your Pie
(Side note: Their drummer is unreal)
#alternativerock #grunge #HashtagGames #sweetenasong #mudhoney
This is a #blog post that's really just a Jean #Dubuffet quote I like about how the arts and culture industry are parasites selling taste at the expense of artistic creativity.
#blog #dubuffet #art #jeandubuffet #music #mudhoney
Thursday afternoon listening… #Mudhoney #VanishingPointAlbum
#mudhoney #vanishingpointalbum
Lost my hat and glasses *TWICE* at the Touch Me I’m Sick Mosh Pit #mudhoney
Love this #OldSchool #Mudhoney #concert in #Toronto 🤘
#oldschool #mudhoney #concert #toronto
¿Ya escucharon lo nuevo de Mudhoney, «Plastic Eternity»?
La banda pionera del Grunge acaba de publicar un nuevo disco y vale la pena escucharlo.
Yo ya encargué la edición en vinilo 🤓
#Mudhoney #Grunge #Rock #EstrenosMusicales
#mudhoney #grunge #rock #estrenosmusicales