My partner, who's a wizard in the kitchen, just made these scrumptious -looking #muffins. He made them from #zucchinis grown in his own garden, #lupin flour, #walnuts, #pecans, #chocolate chips, #allulose, and olive oil.
While these cool off, he's preparing a homemade #quiche.
I am so spoiled.
It's a good thing I've already done 5,000 jump rope jumps today. It's not easy being thin and fabulous living with such an excellent, enthusiastic cook.
#muffins #zucchinis #lupin #walnuts #pecans #chocolate #allulose #quiche #jumprope #lupinflour
Alles Gute der Neuen. Möge die anfängliche Begeisterung lange erhalten bleiben.
#einschulung #muffins #schultute #tornister #schulkind
Guten Morgen 🍀
Heute ist die #Einschulung von K3 🥳🫶🥹🥺🍀❤️☀️
Es hat nochmal kurz geregnet, aber sb jetzt darf es gerne trocken bleiben ☺️
#Muffins #Schultüte und #Tornister sind an ihrem Platz!
Die große Schwester weckt jetzt das neue #Schulkind 🥰
Charly darf sie heute auch begleiten … es wird ein aufregender Tag 🤩🥰🍀🥳🎉
#einschulung #muffins #schultute #tornister #schulkind
Made some raspberry and blueberry muffins, not made them for a while, very yummy! #muffins #homebaking
@evelynefoerster @energiepirat @tootiredtothink @albinmeyer Wenn schon keine #Muffins, dann wenigstens #Berliner. 🤣
J'aime vraiment *beaucoup* le bouquin de @Owi .
Je ne suis pas du tout branché impro en cuisine. On me dit que je cuisine bien, mais j'applique surtout les recettes a la lettre.
Sauf qu'elle donne les clefs pour improviser à la lettre, au point de regarder sa recette et se dire. "Ouais mais non je vais faire comme ça du coup."
Et ça marche.
#MardiPatisserie #VendrediPatisserie #LundiPatisserie #MercrediPatisserie #JeudiPatisserie #WeekEnfPatisserie #Muffins
#MardiPatisserie #VendrediPatisserie #lundipatisserie #mercredipatisserie #jeudipatisserie #weekenfpatisserie #muffins
@MaJ1 @evelynefoerster That idea is very likely a good one as it increases the possible characters left to a reasonable value. Each person added decreases that value until you can’t type anything anymore. 👍
Btw., all #Muffins are gone. So the count is 0 now. 😝
Repost time! (Again, I'm sorry, but until I get my most urgent problem solved I'll be just reposting stuff published on other sites) this sketch is 10 months old. It was Intended to be my last year's Halloween entry. But this style is quite complicated to do quick and I ended up planning it on hiatus. When I'm frustrated I get myself a bit into it and make a little progress. So far I have #NightMareMoon finished, and I'm about half way on #DayBreaker. In the end, I just did a cute #DerpyHooves dressed as a witch munching her looted candy :flutteryay:
#nightmaremoon #daybreaker #derpyhooves #ditzydoo #muffins
Kleine Nachtarbeit 😁#backenmitliebe #backen #fondant #muffins #deko
#deko #muffins #Fondant #backen #backenmitliebe
It's the time of the year again. Strange and noisy things are happening in our #Kitchen… 🤔
Another load of the the world’s best #Muffins. Crafted with ❤️ by @evelynefoerster. Thanks so much. 👍❤️🤣
Meal prep day! This week's treat is locally sourced vegan pumpkin apple blueberry banana walnut muffins. #veganbaking #muffins
Unfortunately the bananas aren't local. The vast acreages of central Ohio's banana farms were torn asunder under order of the United Fruit Company during the Banana Wars of the early 1900s.
The industry never recovered but some say you can still smell the sweet, sticky scent of fried bananas on the wind just east of Utica on particularly warm summer mornings.
Repost time!
A #Ponified #MidnightSparkle, #QueenCrhysalis, a spy #BonBon and a #Crossover with #Minecraft starring #DerpyHooves and #PinkiePie
#ponified #midnightsparkle #queencrhysalis #bonbon #crossover #minecraft #derpyhooves #pinkiepie #twilightsparkle #sweetiedrops #ditzydoo #muffins
@evelynefoerster I stand corrected. These are not #CupCakes. These are #Muffins. I’m a bloody layman. 🤣 But as for the taste, I’m an expert. And they are just great! 👍🥰
Sure why not:
1. #weather
2. #dogs
3. #manjaro
4. #CultofTheLamb
5. #chocolate
6. #PNW
7. #plants
8. #bbq
9. #zsh
10. #muffins
#10thingsilikerightnow #weather #dogs #manjaro #CultoftheLamb #chocolate #pnw #plants #bbq #zsh #muffins