This is pretty awesome. #MuffinTerm is free for iPad and doesn’t collect user data, and the experience is pretty close to Telix on a PC. I found a #BBS in Ballarat (telnet:// and the sysop even had some doors installed. Including #TradeWars. #nostalgia
From: @paradroyd
#nostalgia #tradewars #bbs #muffinterm
Doing some BBSing on the M1 iPad pro with Muffinterm..just because.
It does it all pretty well!
#bbsing #retrocomputing #ipad #muffinterm
Want to #Atari BBS from your IPhone or Mac? #MuffinTerm in the Apple App Store now supports #Atascii - We could not make this any easier for your return to #bbsing
#atari #muffinterm #atascii #bbsing
#MuffinTerm has been updated:
Added #ATASCII (#ANTIC/#CTIA/#GTIA) terminal support! Get online like it’s ’79!
Reduced the border sizes by default in NTSC and PAL terminal modes (maintaining the proper pixel aspect ratios). The full-sized borders can be toggled via the new Overscan option.
And more changes.
#Atari #BBS #RetroComputing
#muffinterm #atascii #antic #atari #bbs #retrocomputing
#MuffinTerm • A Terminal for the Classic #BBS Experience