In the U.S., March is Women's History Month. Two of the best female rockers I've ever heard. L: Kim Shattuck of the Muffs. R: Mia Zapata of the Gits. Unfortunately, neither is still with us. #punk #rock #women #womenshistory #miazapata #kimshattuck #muffs #gits
#punk #rock #women #womenshistory #miazapata #kimshattuck #muffs #gits
Tuesday Morning chilly and foggy. #tuesdaymorning #TuesdayVibe #tuesday #autumn #foggyday #fog #cityscape #muffs #music i think I will crank up the Muffs and get motivated to prepare for work. Tea is brewing!How is everyone else making it through the day. Work has already sent two emails. I checked to make sure it was not an emergency and I closed that app. Let me enjoy me tea first.
#tuesdaymorning #TuesdayVibe #tuesday #autumn #foggyday #fog #cityscape #muffs #music
Très tristes nouvelles 😢
Kim Shattuck, la chanteuse, autrice-compositrice et guitariste des muffs, est décédée. Son mari a confirmé la nouvelle sur les rs, disant qu'elle est décédée après une bataille de deux ans avec l'Als (sclérose latérale amyotrophique, maladie de charcot)