I too am an enjoyer of mugs, hot coffee too ☕️🤣
I came across this over on the r/therewasanattempt subreddit
#MugEnjoyer #mug #MugsOfMastodon #coffee #mugsofmastadon
#mugsofmastadon #coffee #mugsofmastodon #mug #mugenjoyer
My daily driver coffee mug. Bought it '92. Still without a chip or scratch.
#coffee #GaryLarsen #mugs #mugsofmastadon
#amwriting #AmWritingMystery #writerslife #authorlife #Vancouver #weather #authorsofmastodon #authorscommunity #writingcommunity #mastodonworld #mastodonsocial #Mastodonians #mastodon_nl #mastodon #MstdnSocial #Mstdn #writersofmastodon #bookstodon
#coffee #garylarsen #mugs #mugsofmastadon #amwriting #AmWritingMystery #writerslife #authorlife #Vancouver #weather #authorsofmastodon #authorscommunity #writingcommunity #mastodonworld #mastodonsocial #Mastodonians #mastodon_nl #mastodon #MstdnSocial #Mstdn #writersofmastodon #bookstodon
Thinking about starting a mug collection. I seem to be running low on them for some reason
#Poll #mugsofmastadon #MugCollecting #CantBlameTheKids #IBrokeMugsToo #WhyArntThereManyMugsInTheHashTags?
#poll #mugsofmastadon #mugcollecting #cantblamethekids #ibrokemugstoo #whyarnttheremanymugsinthehashtags
@drtifftaft Excellent idea, good to see someone else had it! Here's my #MugsOfMastadon entry. Not being level is its superpower.
Is there a #mugsofmastadon hashtag? #Coffee just tastes better out of a good #mug and I probably have too many but there are worse vices in life. Let me see your favorites!