#watches rabbit hole has got me, I have been very interested in decent watches for quite some time, but did not jump the gun yet. although I had my eyes on some specific models for years now. I feel now I am getting close and have decent understanding of all available brands which look interesting to me #seiko #oris #mühle glashütte #longines #sinn #tissot
#watches #seiko #oris #muhle #longines #sinn #tissot
Für Meer ist es heute wieder zu ungemütlich, dafür läuft die Mühle
#Mühle #Ostfriesland
Weil ja der Musik-Frosch @MisterB vom #SchenklRadio heute nicht sendet…
hätte ich ersatzweise ein Frosch-Konzert vor ländlicher Kulisse 😉
Mitte Juli aufgenommen an der Krokauer #Mühle
#Strohfiguren Wettbewerb #Probstei #SchleswigHolstein
#schenklradio #muhle #Strohfiguren #Probstei #schleswigholstein
Schneller #11km-#Tierpark-#Lauf, vorbei an Hühnern, #Ziegen, #Eichhörnchen, #Storch und #Reh. #hühner #joggen #brötchenholen #mühle #braak #braakermühle #radwanderweg #bahnwanderweg #Stormarn #strava https://strava.app.link/vfQLpasstBb
#11km #tierpark #lauf #ziegen #eichhornchen #storch #Reh #huhner #joggen #brotchenholen #muhle #braak #braakermuhle #Radwanderweg #bahnwanderweg #Stormarn #strava
Unter schattigen Bäumen zu den #Mühlenbrötchen. #brötchenholen #joggen #6km #mühle #braak #braakermühle #strava https://strava.app.link/S6ggG4KdgBb
#muhlenbrotchen #brotchenholen #joggen #6km #muhle #braak #braakermuhle #strava
Übern Blütenteppich zu den #Mühlenbrötchen. #joggen #mühle #braak #braakermühle #7km #strava https://strava.app.link/4GUTTvee6Ab
#muhlenbrotchen #joggen #muhle #braak #braakermuhle #7km #strava
Im vor- #industriellen #Europa waren #Mühlen #Treffpunkt, #Ort #sozialer #Beziehungen in einer #immobilen #Welt. Weil sie #außerhalb von #Ortschaften und weit weg von #zudringlichen #Blicken im #Verborgenen waren, seien sie gut für #heimliche #Zusammenkunft gewesen. Der besonderen #soziale #Stellung der #Müller entspricht eine #Absonderung von der #Gemeinschaft.
Carlo #Ginzburg - Der Käse und die Würmer. Die #Welt eines #Müllers um 1600, S.157ff.
#Industriell #europa #muhle #treffpunkt #ort #soziale #beziehung #immobil #welt #außerhalb #zudringlich #blick #verborgen #heimlich #Zusammenkunft #Stellung #Muller #Absonderung #gemeinschaft #mahlprivileg #raumhueter #ginzburg
Jun 30, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #ChiselAndHound / #HouseOfMammoth "Beloved" 26mm v15
• Razor: #Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: #groomingdept L'Avventura
• Post Shave: GD L'Avventura AS
• Fragrance: #SpearheadShavingCo SSL EdT
#sotd #chiselandhound #houseofmammoth #muhle #gillette #groomingdept #spearheadshavingco #fougerefriday #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun 24, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #StirlingSoapCo Green/Ivory 24mm Synthetic 2-Band Knot
• Razor: #Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: #BarristerAndMann Presto
• Post Shave: #SpearheadShavingCo SSL AS
#sotd #stirlingsoapco #muhle #gillette #barristerandmann #spearheadshavingco #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun 23, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #StirlingSoapCo Green/Ivory 24mm Synthetic 2-Band Knot
• Razor: #Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: #SpearheadShavingCompany Seaforth! Heather
• Post Shave: Spearhead SSL AS
• Fragrance: Spearhead SSL EdT
#sotd #stirlingsoapco #muhle #gillette #spearheadshavingcompany #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun 16, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #ChiselAndHound "Fougère" 26mm v16 Fanchurian
• Razor: #Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: #westmanshaving Gerês
• Post Shave: #NobleOtter Logbook AS
• Fragrance: #DeclarationGrooming Contemplation EdP
#sotd #chiselandhound #muhle #gillette #westmanshaving #nobleotter #declarationgrooming #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun 10, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #BrochasElDruida / HoM "Tobacconist" #ChiselAndHound v8
• Razor: #Mühle Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Lather: #gentlemansnod Bluegrass Muse (C4+)
• Post Shave: #NobleOtter MdT AS
#sotd #brochaseldruida #chiselandhound #muhle #gillette #gentlemansnod #nobleotter #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Jun. 8th, 2023 - Is Shaving with Something This Smokey Kinda Tasteless?
Prep: #CeraVe Foaming Cleanser
Brush: #Muhle Classic Synthetic (23mm)
Razor: #RazoRock Lupo .95 SB
Blade: #Gillette Platinum (?)
Lather: #DeclarationGrooming - Darkfall
Post-shave: #SouthernWitchcrafts - Desairology
I planned to get to this one in my last shave, but then got distracted by B&M Nordost. Forgot to write down that one, but since I adore oranges and thus Nordost, it was unsurprisingly amazing. But this morning, I finally got to try the scent that I've seen many complaints about, a couple love-letters to, and very little in-between. But I was neither particularly disappointed nor impressed.
It turned out to be mainly smokey, so uh, perhaps not the best choice when my friends are suffering because of smoke elsewhere. I'm sorry, I only realised after the shave. :ms_frown: I shall keep on wearing masks outside the house, out of solidarity both to you and to those that know COVID's not over yet.
But I could pick up other notes as well. The freshness of what I guessed to be pine tar, but apparently must've been berch, often made itself known. On the drydown, I could detect an ambery warmth, as well. The spices, however, I couldn't find at all. Perhaps I could in the splash, but I don't have a sample of that.
Nor do I have a Samhain splash, although I was really curious how well they'd go together. So desairology it had to be! And yeah, they mesh well! Not well enough that I'd want to buy a full puck of Darkfall, but well enough that I won't mind using up the rest of the sample at all.
#cerave #muhle #razorock #gillette #declarationgrooming #southernwitchcrafts #sotd #shaveoftheday #wetshaving
Jun 4, 2023 #sotd
• Brush: #therazorcompany "Cream Soda" Acrylic 28mm Synthetic Knot
• Razor: #Mühle R94
• Blade: #Gillette 7'OC-SS
• Software: #macduffssoapco BotC
• Fragrance: #HouseOfMammoth Indigo EdP
#sotd #therazorcompany #muhle #gillette #macduffssoapco #houseofmammoth #shaveoftheday #shave #shaving #wetshaving
Heute zum #Fotomontag gibt es natürlich ein #Bild vom deutschen #Mühlentag
#Fotomontag #bild #muhlentag #Photomonday #muhle #ostmuhle #gildehaus
Jedes Jahr zu #Pfingsten gibt es auch den Deutschen #Mühlentag.
Dann laden die Besitzer dieser historischen Prachtstücke zum Besichtigen ihrer #Mühle ein. Mal ist die Mühle sowieso schon ein Museum, mal wurde sie zum Wohnhaus umfunktioniert und mal ...