Squeezed in an Evolution Valley ski tour in the High Sierra. Snow depth in high elevation basins and valleys was incredible but coverage on steep slopes wasn’t as fat, perhaps b/c of colder winter and fewer warmer storms. #backcountry #skitouring #evolutionvalley #sierra #muirpass #splitboarding #muirhut #whitetailedptarmigan #darwinvalley #echocol
#backcountry #skitouring #evolutionvalley #sierra #muirpass #splitboarding #muirhut #whitetailedptarmigan #darwinvalley #echocol
The hut at Muir Pass on the PCT/JMT. Watercolor on paper, 8" by 8". This year I imagine it will be covered in snow, but when I was there in 2021 it was a low snow year.
The backpacks on the rocks belonged to two hikers that I had been seeing off and on for 700 miles. They politely got out of the way of my photo, and I never saw them again.