is a #curious slavic word for #horseplay
which encapsulates the #ambivalence
of rough-and-tumble
A Japanese toy with not dissimiliar instructional #intension
are the #Kamifusen – colorful small glassine-paper balls,
whose principial #way to getting #prim and #puffy is to be given
a good #pummeling
Or so the Muji #Mujiks #think
#visitors, who upon crossing the #gallery threshold step into a #stormy
scenography of mutiple micro-#catastrophes, #teapot tempest #bursting into #bloom
#curious #horseplay #ambivalence #intension #kamifusen #way #prim #puffy #pummeling #mujiks #think #visitors #gallery #stormy #catastrophes #teapot #bursting #bloom