now THIS is impressive tree mulching!
(this is not my place, it is the neighbor of a friend)
#mulch #gardening #tropical #tropicalag
Fruchtbarer Boden ohne Tierdung
Versuchsacker in Bad Homburg
#Biovegan #Dünger #Bio #Mulch #agrarwende #ernährungswende #Klima #klimakatrophe
#klimakatrophe #klima #ernahrungswende #agrarwende #mulch #bio #dunger #biovegan
I'm pretty mad - but will try not to post a rant.
I found building materials in 'Cypress Blend' mulch, purchased from Lowes Hardware - bits of painted wood, particle board, plywood, aluminum (window frame?), plastic foam.
I knew that the dyed stuff was no good. I guess I should have known better because of the word 'Blend'. It was under a sign saying 'Hardwood Mulch' - so I thought perhaps there's some other hardwoods in there. Nope - 'Blend' means a shredded up old house that might have been from an era when building materials included stuff like lead paint and asbestos.
Last year I had bought Cypress mulch from Home Depot and it smelled great. After it had been in my car, it seemed like I could breathe easier. But this stuff was not aromatic - that also should have tipped me off.
I will be returning the 2 bags I did not open and the other stuff will get put into Yard Waste - don't know what else to do with it. It does not seem suitable for land that grows food.
#Gardening #ConsumerSafety #shopping #mulch #UnitedStates #NorthCarolina
#gardening #consumersafety #shopping #mulch #unitedstates #northcarolina
Interessantes Projekt:
#agroforst #vegan #bio #organic #sinsheim #heidelberg #rheinneckar #solar #mulch
#mulch #solar #rheinneckar #heidelberg #sinsheim #organic #bio #vegan #Agroforst
There are so many things we do because it's what everyone else does and it's all we know with yards and gardens. We are getting our large garden going for the first time this year and we're doing lots differently than how we grew up. We made these goofy triangular trellises and we are mulching as much as possible. It's amazing the difference mulch will make especially as the weather becomes less predictable.
#garden #plants #change #mulch
#mulch #change #plants #garden
@fraying I've done paper #mulch on tomatoes, which works, but it's a lot of labor to install right. Install it wrong and the wind blows it away.
So did you just put clover seed on your field with a broadcast spreader, and then come back to plant after the clover's established? How long did it take?
Wenn ich die #Streuobstwiese mit der #Sense mähe, entferne ich das #Heu aus der Fläche um der #Wiese Nährstoffe zu entziehen u. so bessere Bedingungen für #Wildblumen zu schaffen.
Da die #Obstbäume jedoch Nährstoffe benötigen u. damit der Wurzelbereich nicht austrocknet, mulche ich die #Baumscheiben max. 20cm dick mit dem Heu.
Hierbei nicht ganz bis zum Stamm #mulchen um nicht #Pilzkrankheiten zu fördern.
#Garten #Streuobstwiese #Mulch #Artenvielfalt #Klimaanpassung #Dürre #Waldgarten #mähen
#streuobstwiese #sense #heu #wiese #wildblumen #obstbaume #baumscheiben #mulchen #pilzkrankheiten #garten #mulch #Artenvielfalt #Klimaanpassung #durre #waldgarten #mahen
Further adventures of the Death of the Lawn! I got two more huge bales of mulch delivered on Wednesday, love that I can get it from a local farm and it's spray -free.
Since we sold the car I've been getting shopping delivered and it comes in paper bags, so I laid out a bunch of them this time, but I'm using any cardboard or paper product I can get my hands on.
It feels so slow, this progress, but as you can see from the stuff I did several weeks ago, the grass is gone and the arum italicum is popping through. It's mildly toxic but only if you eat it, so it can stay for now, but I'm planning to crowd it out with native violets. Bought a pot to start us off.
#KillingTheLawn #LawnBeGone #NativeViolet #NativesPlants #mulch #gardening #flowers #SlowAndSteady
#killingthelawn #lawnbegone #nativeviolet #nativesplants #mulch #gardening #flowers #slowandsteady
#GardenersOfMastodon: Can I safely use a severely moth-eaten wool cashmere sweater as #mulch? Any concerns about dyes or other chemicals used in processing? #reuse #gardening
#gardenersofmastodon #mulch #reuse #gardening
Hey, there was a whole dump truck full of this stuff the other day. Where’d it all go?
Oh, um, never mind I found it…
I was curious why wool mulch would deter pests. So, I went looking for a picture. (My #wool would fall under the "fine" category.) So, crawling through wool mulch would feel scaly/scratchy to bugs/slugs and they'd probably prefer to try a different/unmulched plant first. Wool mulch also holds in moisture and keeps the soil cooler, which helps the plants grow larger faster. Wool is a valuable mulch!
#mulchwithwool #GardeningMastodon #growyourown #food #mulch
#wool #mulchwithwool #GardeningMastodon #growyourown #food #mulch
Mulchen mit Grasschnitt hat drei Vorteile:
- schützt den Boden vor Austrocknung und UV-Strahlung
- die Schnecken haben genug welkes Grün zu essen und gehen nicht an die lebenden Pflanzen.
- Ohrenkriecher finden eine prima Kinderstube, ihre Jungen haben einen riesen Appetit und fressen alles, was kleiner ist als sie selbst z.B. Blattläuse.
- Gras kann sich aussäen
- Vögel graben nach Würmern. Dagegeb verwende ich sog. Erdbeerteller (s. Bild)
TIL that shredded newspaper is an acceptable garden mulch material (excluding inserts). Any thoughts, or has anyone tried this? I have access to a lot of newspapers from work (library) when they are tossed each month (brought home a large pile today) and own an excellent paper shredder.
I’d like to go this route instead of weedy grass clippings or seedy straw.
#mulch #gardening #shreddednewspaper
@gianmarcogg03 There seem to be security related reasons for using a chromium based browser over a Gecko based (Firefox) one on Android: If you don't use @GrapheneOS but have a need for a secure/hardened chromium based mobile browser, you could try #Mulch.
@Aakerbeere @guido Dazu muss man entweder händisch bei F-Droid die Paketquelle des Entwicklers hinzufügen (Anleitung )
oder man verwendet den alternativen F-Droid Client #NeoStore. Dort kann man in den Einstellungen schon viele bereits hinzugefügte Paketquellen aktivieren, u.a. auch die von DivestOS. Danach einmal die Paketquellen aktualisieren und dann müsste #Mulch installierbar sein.
Continuing Operation Lawn-Be-Gone (images from last weekend, but I will be doing more of this today).
We have kikuyu here which is a great lawn but also hard to contain, which makes a it a weed. And as I refuse to water or mow lawns, I'd much rather get rid of it and plant some other more interesting things (thinking native violets, chamomile, dichondra etc).
#gardening #lawnbegone #mulch #weeding #nativeplants
@Aakerbeere @guido Der Entwickler von #Mull hat auch noch einen auf Chromium basierenden Browser samt WebView namens #Mulch . Der ist gehärtet und übernimmt wohl viele Sicherheitsfeatures von #GrapheneOS ' #Vanadium Browser.
#vanadium #grapheneos #mulch #mull