Damn skippy. Happy #PrideMonth.
#Pride #HappyPride #lgbtq 🌈 #lgbtqiaplus #Gorgeous #TrueStory #LaughOfTheDay #WeKnowEachOther #XFiles #MulderAndScully #OnlyMyMotherWasWatchingForDavidDuchovny #WeWereAScullyHousehold #GillianAnderson
#gilliananderson #wewereascullyhousehold #onlymymotherwaswatchingfordavidduchovny #mulderandscully #xfiles #weknoweachother #laughoftheday #truestory #gorgeous #lgbtqiaplus #lgbtq #happypride #pride #pridemonth
In the X-files S5:8 'Kitsunegari', in the beginning, Skinner introduce Mulder and Scully to the prisonguards as "Smulder and Scully". The X-files has a lot of hidden jokes, that's why I'm watching it again for the 12:th time 😅.
#xfiles #arkivx #mulderandscully #smulderandscully
Watch your air vents and your livers in the new year. #xfiles #mulderandscully
#foxmulder #danascully #thetruthisoutthere
#xfiles #mulderandscully #foxmulder #danascully #thetruthisoutthere
Get you someone who looks at you like Mulder looks at Scully 😍
These two have ruined my life.
#thexfiles #mulderandscully #msr